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Authors Note: Just wanted to apologize to you guys for taking so long to post this part! It was a little difficult to figure out how to start, and where I wanted this to go. I hope you guys enjoy this part. I definitely did, especially closer to the end of the fic ;].


Waking up in the morning I was strangely a little disappointed. Falling asleep in someone's arms, I had expected to wake up in those same arms. When I opened up my eyes, and realized I was alone. I half wondered if I only had imagined Dean wrapping his arms around me and falling asleep with me last night. It wasn't until I rolled onto my stomach, and dug my face into a pillow that I smelled a hint of a scent I've grown to know well, Dean's cologne. So if he did sleep here, why did he decide to leave?

I got up from my bed and decided to go shower to finish waking myself up. I needed to get myself prepared, for the questions I knew Dean would want to ask when he saw me. I've lived with them long enough to know that, Dean wasn't one to let something like this slide. After my shower I brushed my hair, as I thought of what I would tell him. I wasn't sure if I should tell him the whole truth, or leave out the fact that I was bawling over a nightmare I had of my dead vampire boyfriend. I shake my head at the thought, and look at my reflection in the mirror.

"I need to tell him the truth." I say to myself quietly.

After I'm all done getting ready, I head out to the main room. I find Sam, sitting in the library. He's reading a book and looks up at me with a small smile on his face when he realizes it's me.

"Good morning." He says to me.

"Good morning," I say smiling back at him. "Is Dean awake yet?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "He was awake, but he just went to bed not too long ago. You know how he is, always staying up at late hours." He chuckles.

"Yeah, I guess." I say trying to hide the guilt in my voice, but obviously failing because Sam then puts his book down on the table and straightens himself up on his seat.

"Is everything okay, Elena? Did you need something?" He asks concerned.

I quickly shake my head. "No, no, Sam. It's just..." I sigh and sit in the chair across from Sam. "Last night I had a nightmare and when I woke up... I was crying." I felt a little embarrassed admitting this to Sam, but I kept going. "Anyway, I guess Dean heard me, because he came into my room last night and kept me company until I fell asleep. I guess I just wanted to thank him for that, and probably answer the questions, I know Dean will have." I finish saying, and look into Sam's eyes. He looks at me with slight pity in his eyes.

"I see. Well I don't exactly know what to say here, but Elena," He leans in slightly closer across the table. "I want you to know you can always come to me too, if you ever need anyone to talk to." He says. It warms my heart how, sweet Sam could be. As I looked into his eyes, I realized Sam would be more likely to be understanding between the two. Maybe I should tell Sam my story, before I drop it onto Dean. See what reaction I'd get from Sam.

"You really mean that, Sam?" I ask.

He nods slowly. "Yes. I really mean it."

"Well... I guess, since I was planning on talking to Dean about this later. I'll tell you as well."

"Tell us what?" He asks a little confusion clear on his face.

"My story." And with that I began telling Sam everything from the moment I met Stefan, to the moment I left Mystic Falls behind. Sam would ask questions every now and then, but not once did I see judgment on his face. If anything, I saw sympathy. He listened to every word I spoke, and took them in. I'm not really sure what I expected, but I definitely didn't expect him to seem so... okay with my story.

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