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Once again, we're on the road. Crowley sent me the location where he was holding Elena, hostage. That son of a bitch was alive. Sam and Bobby both suspected Cas was working with Crowley. "How could an Angel burn the wrong bones?" They both said. Of course, I didn't believe them. I honestly believed he had just made a mistake, or perhaps Crowley found a way to trick Cas. Yes, Cas was acting a little strange but Cas is a strange guy. I didn't want to believe he had gone darkside.

Cas was the only one who knew about the situation with Elena, but he also seemed to have a real big problem with the idea of me and her. I didn't understand why, I still don't understand why. I just knew Cas wasn't being himself. No one in our world knew about her. She was clearly in the bunker when she was taken. Her items were gone to make it seem as if she had decided to just leave. I doubt a regular kidnapper would go through the trouble of making it seem like she just left.

Of course, after Sam brought the items Elena had clearly bought, and left behind I had an idea of who might have done this. Cas was the only other being who could even knew she was at the bunker. He was the only one who could have gotten in and go through the trouble to get her items. He also would be the only one able to slip up, and leave something of hers behind. But of course, this was still only suspicion. I still had hope that Cas was on our side. That he had nothing to do with it. That maybe, she honestly did leave.

Knowing what I know now, I wish she had just left. It wasn't until Crowley called me from Elena's phone that my suspicions were confirmed. The reaction from Cas' face when he heard me say Elena's name. As if he knew it wasn't possible she was calling me. The fact that when I turned around to face him he was already gone. Cas had definitely taken Elena, and now Crowley had a hold of her.

My fingers grip the steering wheel tighter, as I start to get images of the torture Elena must be going through, being with Crowley. The memory of hearing her scream on the phone keeps replaying in my head. I don't know what these two are up to, but I swear I will kill them both.

I can feel Sam's eyes on me as I drive. I had to explain everything to him. Sam knew better than to comment on what I told him, so he simply let me talk. Our conversation is cut short by the sound of wings flapping. I immediately turn around and find Cas sitting in the back seat. His face is darkened. This isn't the same Cas that I know.

"Dean, we need to speak. Elena is safe. She is at Bobby's. Meet me there." He disappears before I get to say anything else.

"You son of a bitch!" I shout up at the air, hoping that he heard me.

"Dean, calm down," Sam said turning to me. "He said Elena is safe. She's at Bobby's. Let's just get there and hear what he has to say." I roll my eyes, and let out a frustrated sigh. Nothing I can do now, but just to drive and hope that Elena really is okay.

Within a few hours we're at Bobby's. When he opens up the door, the expression on his face, doesn't help to cool down my anger and worry.

"Hiya, idjits." He says.

"Hey, Bobby." Sam greets him.

"Where is she?" I say, pushing my way past them both. Bobby closes the door behind us, and crosses his arms across his chest.

"Hi to you too, boy," He says as he rolls his eyes. "She's downstairs in the panic room." Without another word, I make my way down the stairs. I reach the end, but my path is blocked.

Cas stands in front of the room, with that same darkened expression.

"Move, Cas." I demand. He doesn't move an inch.

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