Breakfast and Beauty

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I heard the soft shimes of my alarm and got up.  I was thankfull that the locker room had showers, but quickly made my way to the kitchen. I went to his fridge and pulled out eggs and the milk. I was going to make a simple breakfast for the both of us, eggs and pancakes. Simple, light, and quick. I cracked some eggs and whisked them together and poured them into a hot pan. Then I started on the pancakes, mixing in flour, sugar, salt and baking powder, then the egg, and milk. I was almost done when I heard Bob walk into the kitchen. He walked out in grey sweatpants and no shirt, while rubbing a towel through his hair. He sniffed the air and looked up at me with wide eyes, and froze like a deer in the headlights I took the last pancake off of the pan and looked at him. Wide eyed as I looked him up and down. He was hot. He had a cute face and a slim, but still no doubt strong build. I set the plates down on the table without taking my eyes off of him. "Wow." Was all that I could say.

He seemed to snap out of it and try to cover up with the small towel he had. I took the towel away from him slowly, making sure that he could stop me if he really wanted. But he let me have it and I set it on the back of a chair. He smiled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck before quickly moving his hands to try and cover his torso. I smiled and grabbed him hands gently. "Im sorry, I know Im not Hangman or Rooster. Im-" "Perfect." I said cutting him off as I moved his hands back down to his sides. "You are perfect. Gorgeous. Beautiful. Every, good thing is how I would describe you." I looked back up to his face to gage his reaction. His face was flushed but his cheeks were a little red still. "I think that you look better then they do." I said again looking down. "Really? Better than Hangman and Rooster." He asked sceptically. I smiled slightly and nodded. "I like slimer builds. I always have." I said shrugging my shoudlers. Slowly letting his hands go, but I felt warm hands grab mine again.

"I made breakfast." I said with a soft smile, still looking him in the eyes. His beautiful oceanic, cobalt blue eyes. I liked his blue eyes. Mine were grey, with a really dark ring around the outside. It was almost black, but the rest of my eye were a stone blue color, so when people ask I just say grey. But nonetheless he smiled and nodded his head, not quite ready to let go of my hand. I would let him hold it for as long as he ever wanted to. It bothered me none at all. He pulled a cahir out and motioned for me to sit before he sat in the one next to it. I anxiously waited for him to try it, I hoped he did. I was really proud of my cooking. "Oh my, these are amazing. Where did you learn to cook like this. You have to teach me, I can barely make toast right." He said blown away when he did eat them. I let out a relieved sigh and smiled. "I just, did it I guess. I would wake up early to make my dad breakfast when I was little, before he went to work. It was a way for us to bond since he was gone more then." "I have to hire you." I laughed at ate mine. I took our plates when we were done and washed them. I smiled knowing he would say I didnt have to, and that he would since I cooked so I started to shake my head when he walked over. He was going to say something but he saw the other dishes already on the drying rack.

"I know you would have washed them since I cooked but I wanted to." I said kinda reading his mind. He looked at me awe struck and shook his head with a lazy smile laid on his features. "What would I do with out you?" "Sit in the back of an f-18 while it sat on the ground." I said laughing. He smiled and thought about it for a second before laughing along. "Very true, but I meant in general. I dont think I have been this happy in a while." "Well Im glad that I got that call then." I said smiling up at him as I put the last dish on the rack. He nodded and looked at the clock. "I know, better get dressed. Or else you'll be killing all of the ladies you walk past." I said with a smile. He shook his head and chuckled. " I really dont that thats true." He said half joking. "Why, you already killed me, my heart couldnt take the mass amounts of attraction flowing through." I said seriously while pretending to die and fall over the back of his couch. I could hear his laughter fall from the hall as he got changed.

I smiled and stood up fixing my hair and grabbed my keys. When he walked out he was shy again so I gave a strong whistle. "Oh baby! I love a man in uniform." I said giggling. It seemed to give him a confidence boost. He held his head a little higher as he grabbed his keys, when he passed me I pat his shoulder. "I wasn't kidding by the way." I said shutting the door behind me. He turned to lock the front door as I walked to my car. "You werent?" I smiled shaking my head. "Nope." I called before driving to Top Gun, him folloing behind.

When we got there I quickly walked to the lockerroom and took the fastes shower of my life. I quickly rubbed and shook most of the water from my hair, cirsing my mom for her curly locks. It wasn't super curly but it was enough to be noticeable. Thankfully it was windy and what ever water was left in my hair was gone now. I slid into my seat before Maverick came in. "Woah, when did you curl your hair?" Bob asked quietly. I smiled and shook my head a little. "I didnt, my mom has curly hair, one of few things I got from her. I took a quick shower but left my hair straightener at home." I laughed. "Well I think your beautiful- your hair. I think your hair is beautiful." I smiled at his slip up. "Well, thank you."  I said genuenly smiling. He smiled back and nodded, thats when Maverick walked in.

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