My Tom

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As I led him to my room he blushed a deep pink.  I dont know why. I had a really normall bedroom. At least I thought that I did.

 At least I thought that I did

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(Not my room but I thought it was very cute and fitting for Elenore

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(Not my room but I thought it was very cute and fitting for Elenore.)  "Make yourself comfortable and I will go steal clothes from my brother."  "You have a brother?" I smiled and nodded. "And a sister. Ill be right back." I walked out of my room and ran to my brothers. Its not that I didnt trust him in my room alone, I just new that he hates new places and I left him completely alone. Anyway, I stole some sweat pants and a shirt before going back to my room. I thought it would be funny to whisper a thankyou since I knew that he was asleep. "Your welcome." Was whipered back to me and I about died. "Make sure your boyfriend is comfy, tell him I said hi." He said laughing at me. I shook my head and told him goodnight. He said it back and I was off again. It dawned on me before I opened my door that I didnt correct my brother. Fuck it, it was too late now. I opened the  door slowly and saw Bob playing with Spinx. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of it. It was too cute not to. The soft click was enough to make him look at me and smile. "Told you she was the sweetest thing. But I think you put her in second place." I said before I could stop myself. I was thatnkfull that the small lap he turned on was not enough to illuminate my face. It was enough to shine on his though and he had red cheeks and a smile.

"Here, this way you can at least get comfortable, the bathroom is behind that door." I told him holding out the clothes and pointing wiht my other hand. He smiled, set Spinx down and took the clothes from my hand mutting a thank you. Our hands brushed and I was always shocked by how warm they always are. He walked over to the bathroom and changes. I laid down and Spinx pounced on me, before nuzzling me. I laugh and pet her, but then I hear the door open and see Bob walk out. Again, him in sweatpants, ohh damn. I roll over to the right side of the bed and pat the left side. He looked at me a little funny but he came and laid down anyway. I pulled the covers over both of us and was ready to go to bed. Spinx laid down right inbetween us as we both said our good nights. "Good night, Bobby."  Goodnight Elly."     Switching to Sarah's point of veiw.

We walked up to wake up our kids, smiling at each other. When we got to the top of the stairs he let go of my hand. Something Tom always did. Hel my hand to guide me up or down the stairs making sure that I dont fall. He walked down to wake up Elenore and I walked down to wake Lizzy and James. I got them up after a few minutes, hating that they were so grown. Especially Elenore. My baby. I smiled though. I knew that Bob was going to keep her safe. Even if they didnt know that yet themselves. I walked down expecting to see them awake but instead I saw Tom standing in the doorway. Watching them. I put my hand on his shoulder and he stepped aside with a soft smile on his face.  I shake my head wondering why he was just watching them. When I looked in to the room I felt a soft gasp slip through my lips. It was the most heart warming scene. I saw Elenore curled into his arms, legs tangeld together with his chin resting on the top of her head. They were fully entranced by the other. I took a picture. I couldnt help it.

"I'll wake them up." I heard Tom say. I smiled and rubbed his arm, he leaned over slightly, but enough for me to kiss his cheek. He smiled down to me and went to wake his carbon copy. I smiled but hugged myself as I walked down the stairs. We had an amazing go with each other but all of the best things have to come to an end. I smiled though nonetheless. Those two were just starting to fall in love. I think in a similar way to we did. Though instead of thinking they dont like each other at all, they dont know that they love each other more than anyhing they have.  Back to Elenore.

I woke up to a soft tapping on my shoulder. I roll it and nuzzle more into my pillow, its really warm for some reason. I crack open my eyes remembering where I am and see a solid chest. I suddenly become aware of the weight on my head and around my back. And a comforting smell. Like honey, rain, and wood. I take a deep breath and grab onto his shirt, puling him closer. Though as soon as I get comfy again the tapping on my shoulder comes back. I feel Bobs head lift and I turn my head to see my father looking down to us with a smile on his face. Bob rolled to the other side of the bed as soon as it clicked, I let out a groan and a shy no. My dad pat my shoulder. "Take care of my daughter, son." Then he walked out with a smile on his face. "Sorry, I didn't- "  "Dont apoligize. I liked it." I said smiling at him. He straightened and smiled at me. "So did I." He went to the bathroom and changed. I shook my head grinning like and idiot while I got a simple white sundress and undergarments waiting for him to walk out. When he did we passed ways and I pat his shoulder, letting my hand stay a little longer than normal before getting in the shower.

I missed the way that he grabbed his shoulder where my hand lingered. After washing my hair and getting dressed I saw him waiting for me by the door. I smiled and walked out with him and as I walked down the stairs I saw my parents but I felt him grab my hand when I stumbled a little, and he didnt let go until I was all the way at the bottom. I smiled at him and silently thanked him. Then I blushed, I knew I met my Tom Kazansky

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