CH 4

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Wednesday shushed her, "You're being so loud, quiet." Enid eyes widened, she didn't know why the psychic was doing this. Wednesday put her hand over the werewolf's mouth. 

"What- What are you doing?" The werewolf asked, her voice was muffled. She was thinking to lick Wednesday's hand to get it off her mouth. Wednesday looked around the room like she was looking for something. The psychic had her hand on Enid's waist. The way that Wednesday was holding the blonde made Enid feel heat from her cheeks.

Wednesday whispered, "Sinclair, don't move or sit. I need you to keep quiet, got that?" She let go of the werewolf, who was quite confused, considering the fact that Wednesday has never done this before. The psychic continued to look whatever she was looking for until she finally found it. She cupped it in her hands, "I apologize for manhandling you like that. I simply needed to get this disobedient creature back into it's cage." The dark-haired girl held up tarantula. Enid's eyes widened.

"Wednesday, get that thing away from me!" The blonde squealed. Wednesday raised an eyebrow and put the spider in it's container.

"Enid, you're a beast and you're afraid of a little arachnid? That's amusing."

Enid choked on her words, "Yes, I am. Why do you even have that?" She began to walk to her bed, trying to be as far as possible from the tarantula.

"I was going to train this spider to bite on command, its a shame that their venom is weak. Maybe I could even terrorize Pugsley with this creature," Wednesday calmy said. "Or maybe even Ajax." The Addams girl almost smirked, knowing she'll irritate Enid with that comment. The werewolf gave her a disapproving look. "What? Don't tell me you don't have the same thoughts?" Wednesday teased.

Enid ignored the psychic's comment. "Where is Thing? I want to talk to him. He's probably the only one who'll listen to me," Enid said. That pulled at Wednesday's dull, black heart. Just a bit.

"He's helping Eugene," Wednesday began to write her novel. "What? Do you think I'm pestering him again? Well, I'm not. I'm keeping my promise, are you keeping yours?" She didn't look back, she just continued writing. "I hope you are."

"Yes, I am," Enid said. The werewolf was surprised that it meant a lot to Wednesday if she didn't cover her scars. The blonde laid down and she hid her smile behind a pillow as she squeezed it. She just couldn't contain it. Why? She didn't know. "Weds, do you want to hang out tonight?" The she-wolf asked, she was still hiding her mouth.

"Sinclair, as much as I want to torture myself, its a no. I still need to train this brat," Wednesday said, referring to the spider. "Not only that, but I need to finish this novel by the time I'm seventeen or else I promised myself that I'll become a psychotic murderer."

Enid frowned, "I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that last sentence. C'mon, it'll be fun, Wenny. Just for a little?" Wednesday cringed at the word 'Wenny.' But she was actually considering hanging out with Enid for a bit.

"You're starting to act like Xavier and his advances. Fine, when and what are we going to do?" The psychic asked, she still didn't look at Enid. The werewolf got up in excitement.

"Whenever you're ready, but I was thinking that we could watch a movie," Enid smiled. Wednesday nodded and continued writing. In the meantime, Enid started to text Ajax.

Enid: (Hiii love 💛)

Ajax: (wassup)

Enid: (Whaddya doing ☺️)

Ajax: (uhhh nothing)

A few minutes went by and no more texts after that. Enid didn't know to reply with. Maybe Ajax was not as affectionate as Enid. Wednesday finally stood up.

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