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Wednesday gathered up Enid's items in a left opened box that Enid had brought her stuff in. Quite hastily in-fact. It's not like she really cared if Enid really slept or not, but it was really annoying when she was really drowsy and clingy. It made her gag in her mouth. She was an inch close to harming Enid if she got any closer to Wednesday. The raven loved it when Enid was away. Wednesday didn't 'love' things, she used other words to show her emotions towards something she liked or enjoyed. She felt weird using the word, 'love' or 'like'. That was something that she wouldn't use in her vocabulary. Wednesday found her behavior weird when she realized that she felt a bit more empty when Enid left after a fight. Or more specifically, the fight. That time, she didn't really expect for Enid to leave that room. It was empty. It was soundless. Too silent for Wednesday's taste. She knew that Enid respected her boundaries most of the time, or maybe all of the time and she didn't even notice it. Enid had always been cautious with Wednesday, not wanting to intrude on accident. The psychic hated her for that. Yes, she loved her privacy. And yes, she loved not being touched, except that one time. That one time where they had hugged. Wednesday owed her that. She was grateful for when Enid was there to be her savior. Wednesday thought of multiple excuses for that time, like how she was stunned too. The psychic hated Enid because she was too likable. She loathed her, in-fact. Enid was idiotic and pathetic. She was emotional and too trusting. Not only that, but she was oblivious. Her being touched by Enid wasn't only that time, no. Wednesday had thought she was being careless. She disliked Enid deeply. She told herself that, as she gathered more than enough clothes to give to Enid.

Wednesday sat on Enid's bed, wanting to rest for a little. She had gotten a bit exhausted now that it was almost one. The smell of Enid's perfume was intoxicating. It filled her side. The aroma was sweet just like Enid's bubbly and joyous personality. Wednesday had felt odd. The fragrance was not for her sense of smell, though she couldn't help but get lost in it. She snapped out of it, wanting to continue her mission to give Enid her things. She even packed a stuffed animal for Enid. Her favorite plush. Wednesday could tell which one she liked the most. She gritted her teeth, all these things that reminded Wednesday of Enid was driving her nuts. She was irritated having to deal with this wolf. She sighed as she put her hand on the door knob. The raven knew that she couldn't be mad at Enid, not now.

Right now, she was included in this mystery and now it was Wednesday's turn to protect her. Then, Wednesday wouldn't owe Enid anything. Then she could be hateful towards the blonde. But it seems that her plan would have failed, because even though you owe someone nothing, you still owe a certain type of intimacy that comes with it. She just didn't realize it in that moment in time. She went back to her desk and grabbed her favorite sharp blade. She wanted protection, more like needed it. With all the creeps in the world, she desperately needed it. She was in her usual black uniform, minus the formal coat that usually came along with it, but she felt cozy enough with her argyle vest.

Wednesday didn't mind the cold much, however this night felt colder and more lonely than the rest. She made it to Yoko's dorm and gave it two knocks. Wednesday had felt that she needed to get this over with quickly. There were eyes everywhere, even if she couldn't see it. She certainly felt some eyes following her as she walked, or maybe she was just paranoid.

"Enid?" Wednesday said as she pounded softly on the door, now three times. She shivered as a cold breeze drifted against her neck. "Lupa colorato (Colorful she-wolf), I'm not waiting forever," She said with a fake laugh, now getting impatient with the werewolf. She was already on edge, she didn't have time to wait any longer.

Finally, a voice yelled back behind the door, "Uh-huh, Winnie, you can leave my stuff at the door!" Wednesday's composure softened a bit, hearing that familiar voice indicated that she wasn't alone. On the other side of the door, Yoko was teasing about this "Winnie" character. She didn't know that it was actually Wednesday since it was hard to hear her voice. Though, it was pretty obvious that it was Wednesday, somehow Yoko couldn't connect the dots. On the other hand, Enid was panicking. She made sure she looked decent. The she-wolf fixed up her hair to the best of her abilities. Then, she ran to the door, cupping her ear to it. She wanted to make sure that Wednesday was away. Meanwhile, Thing was on her bed, relaxing and watching from the background.

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