\\Part 1\\

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"Put your stuff in the hole dream" Tommy said as he glared at the admin, the manipulator.

Dream obeyed as he dropped all of his inventory inside, Tommy, noticing something on his back, squinting his eyes as he grunted, "what are you hiding dream, I told you to put everything in the hole. There's something on your back "

Hearing this dreams breath quickened and he started shaking "it's nothing, it's nothing I swear!!" All the other members caught the action as they looked at him confused.

Why is he shaking?

"No" Dream said as sternly as he could muster, trying to stand still.

Tommy, not taking no for an answer, sighs, "it doesn't matter, Sam hold him." He says sternly as Sam nodded and gripped onto dreams arms tying them to the nearest fence post. Ripping the back of dreams hoodie, beautiful gray and black wings sprout from his back. Dream starts shaking as quackity steps forward, "so, you're a hybrid huh dreamie?" Quackity exclaimed as he walked around dream like a predator examining its prey. Quackity grabbed dreams hair and forced his face up so he was looking everyone in the eyes.

"As payment for all you've done, why not just take your wings as a fair trade huh? An eye for an eye, am I right?." Quackity grinned maniacally as he ripped a handful of feathers out. Dream howled in pain

Dream couldn't move, tears started to fall down his face as he glanced at his wings, the only thing he had left to remember his past life, his wings were a gift from the ender gods and they were about to be ripped from his back and for what? Equal payment?

Tommy who caught the conversation agreed that taking dreams wings were a great idea, he believed dream shouldn't have those wings he doesn't deserve them(and you do?)

Many agreed, while the rest fled, they knew what would happen if you cut an avions wings.

They pulled his wings open, they were wide enough for them to cut them from his back.

One chop was all it took to rip out a wing. They continued on with the other, and all dream could do was cry and scream, begging them to stop. The pain was unbearable, it felt like he was being burned alive, but a thousand times worse.

As dream layed there on the floor mourning the loss of his wings, the rest of the smp gathered their stuff and left, never looking back as dream is dragged into the prison by the rope binding his hands. Blood soaking the path where he was laid.

They left him......

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