Chapter 1: Realization

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As the new semester in Nevermore started 4 months ago Enid Sinclair and Wednesday Addams still remained as roommates in Ophelia Hall.

"Wednesday!!" Enid yells out to her goth roommate.

"What." Wednesday answers, not taking her eyes off her typewriter. "Can you stop writing? I can't focus on my blog." The lycanthrope complained. It annoyed Wednesday that Enid thinks her blog is more important than her new novel.

"I believe my novel is far more important than your blog. Be patient, I only have 15 more minutes." The psychic explained.

"No way! My blog is the whole school's number 1 place for gossip! It's way more important than your novel, you're not even going to publish it!" Enid darted back. Irritated already she is, Wednesday gets off her chair and goes to Enid's side of the room.

"As far as your concern, my Novel will, and I say will be number one selling after I do publish it. Christopher Paolini was only eighteen after she got the world record of being the youngest person to publish a best-selling book. I only have two more years left to beat that." The goth girl exclaimed to her roommate as she walks back to her desk.

"Well can you do it a bit more quieter?" Enid suggested. Wednesday turns back to look at Enid, giving her the trademark glare she always had.

"As for you, and only for you, I'll except this day for not continuing my writing time." Wednesday finally agreeing to Enid's suggestion.

Enid smiled as she teased Wednesday going 'soft' for her colorful roommate. "Wednesday! You're going soft on me!" The werewolf joyously exclaimed. "I have not. It's only for you to shut your complaining, I can't stand hearing you growl anymore." The goth irritated.

Enid goes back to typing on her laptop for her blog about the new suspected boyfriend Divina has. While Wednesday grabs a coat to go out.

"Wednesday, where are you going?" Enid questions her roommate. "To the library, since you won't let me write a book, I'll read one instead." Wednesday getting annoyed at the fact she let Enid take the win.

"Oh well, have fun Weds!" Enid greeted.

Wednesday left, just beginning to have the realization that Enid called her a nickname. 'Weds?' She thought, getting a warm feeling on her face.

'What? I'm warm? But I don't get warm, am I running a fever?' She kept thinking, never minding it instead as she heads to the library.

She goes to the corner of the library, where it's known for Wednesday's spot to read since it's the closest to the horror-fiction section. A small sofa and a desk with a small stool was secluded to that area with a tinted window near it, enough for Wednesday to over-see the 'Quad'.

As she finds a book she is willing to read, she stumbles upon a book that caught her eye. 'The Wolfman' A book by Nicholas Pekearo based off the Universal-Monster movie 'The Wolf Man' starring the same name.

Wednesday immediately thought about her werewolf roommate, her face feeling warm again. "God dammit, I might have a fever." The goth whispered to herself. She takes the book and sits on the sofa, reading it and getting interested.

'Who knew werewolves could be so interesting.' The thought came into mind.

She finished reading three chapters, a total of forty-three pages of the book, losing track of time to realize it was already six PM, when she left it was around two PM, who knew Wednesday was this interested in werewolves. She goes ahead and puts the book at the desk, saving it for a read tomorrow.

She heads up to the dorm, seeing Enid getting a coat to go out. The goth gets curios and queries her very own werewolf. "Where are you going?" The shorter one asks. "Ajax asked me to go on a date with him!" Enid informs Wednesday.

A spark of irritation comes to Wednesday, that Ajax, the gorgon is taking her werewolf roommate, on a date.

The psychic being annoyed at this fact, zones out with her thoughts. Until Enid snapped at her causing her to go back.

"Hello? Earth to Wednesday Addams?" Enid kept saying. "Aja— Ajax? Is taking you, on a date?" Saying this makes Wednesday irritated even more, not knowing the reason behind it.

"Yeah! Isn't he so cute!" Enid exclaimed as she says her good-byes to her roommate. "-Oh and I'll be back before eleven!" The lycanthrope says quickly as she rushes out of the door.

Now it's just Wednesday with her thought, Thing being asleep. 'What is this sense of irritation. I don't care about Ajax and Enid. Do I?' The thought keeps circling around Wednesday's head until she decided it was the best time for her to continue her novel, with Enid not being there.

She continues where she left earlier, but can't seem to find ideas for the next part as all was in her head was Her colorful werewolf roommate, going on a date with Ajax, a moron who's also a gorgon.

"I don't care about them!" She yells out, while kicking her desk causing Thing to wake up.

Thing gestures about asking what's wrong. "I'm irritated about Ajax asking Enid out, not knowing why."

Thing signs "You're jealous."

"I am not, I am Wednesday Addams. Wednesday Addams does not get feelings nor jealousy." The goth explains.

Wednesday gets off of her desk and decided she was going to take a nap, to get things off her mind.

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