Chapter 9: Party

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As usual Wednesday was typing on her typewriter. The clicking sounds in graving on Enid's brain. She had enough. "Wednesday, would you like me to buy you a laptop?" Enid suggestively asks. "Why?" Wednesday stops typing, confused on why Enid would ask this type of question all of a sudden. "The clicking sound of your typewriter is melting my brain, I can't think straight!" The colorful roommate expresses her anger out. "I find it soothing. Besides, aren't laptops very expensive?" The psychic darts back. "Yeah but I can afford one for you. Considering you're my girl friend, and I haven't really given you big gifts." Enid claims.

She wanted to give Wednesday something special, considering Wednesday has given her roses and such. "I appreciate your consideration, but I don't want you to spend big amounts of money on me." Wednesday was happy spending money on Enid, but for some reason, she didn't want Enid to do the same on her.

"Fine." Enid nods to herself and goes to her phone, she checks the time. Seven thirteen PM. "Oh shoot!" She yells out and goes to grab her shoes and coat. "Where are you going?" The goth girl asks. "To Yoko's party! She told me to be there at eight, but look at the time." Enid tells shakily in panic.

"I'm coming." Wednesday says out of no where. Enid couldn't believe it. Wednesday going to a social gathering let alone a party. "Is that okay? You're zoning out." Wednesday snaps Enid out of her little contemplation. "Yeah! Totally, quick we have to go right now though." The werewolf states. They both head out to Yoko's room. Outside the door they can already hear the music playing, but not much people.

They go in to see only around fifteen people. Yoko quickly approaches Enid excitingly. "You're here! I thought you wouldn't come!" Yoko shouts. "I can never miss out on a party!" Enid shouts back. Yoko turns to Wednesday and greets her with a nod.

"Well, theres a little couch with Bianca, Ajax, and others over there. Go and sit with them, I'll get you guys some alcohol." Yoko tries to walk away but Wednesday stops her by asking a question. "Alcohol?" "Yeah! You can't have a party without alcohol!" Yoko states. She walks away before Wednesday could add anything.

The secret couple goes to the corner where their friends were in. Enid tries to sit next to Xavier since it's close to a table, but knowing how Wednesday is with Enid being close to Xavier, she hesitates. Enid could already feel those obsidian eyes piercing through her soul.

Yoko comes back with shots, she gives one to Wednesday and two for Enid. Wednesday tries to decline but Yoko gives it back to her. "Come on you have to drink at least a shot." Yoko whines. Wednesday gives a sour face and plunges it suddenly.

Their friends cheer. "Holy shit Wednesday!" Ajax screams out of shock. Wednesday slams the shot glass on the glass table, not an expression on her face. Enid was amazed, Wednesday can actually drink alcohol without having a reaction? Impressive.

They keep having more and more drinks, which means the more drunk they get. A couple of moments later, it was only Enid and Wednesday left. They decide to join the circle that was on the floor where almost all the people where in. They were playing spin the bottle, extreme edition. Either you get an extreme dare or an extreme truth. Yoko makes space for the both of them, then the bottle spins.

The bottle points to Bianca. "Bianca! Truth or dare?" A boy shouts. "Dare!" Bianca answers. "I dare you to french kiss Bianca!" The boy dares Bianca. "Fuck! Why not!" She yells and starts kissing Yoko, tongues swirling all over the place. They stop. The crowd is shocked and cheering. Enid lets out a chuckle just to not make anything awkward.

The bottle spins again, the bottle points to Enid. "Enid! Truth or Dare!" Yoko yells. "Truth!" The werewolf answers. "If you were to date anyone in the circle, who'd it be?" Yoko enticingly questions her best friend.

At the far opposite of the circle, Xavier was there. Smirking trying to make a hint for Enid to say him. Of course, as drunk as Enid was, she didn't notice. "Definitely Wednesday, why not try her out." Her drunken self says.

Xavier's expression completely changes. His smirk turning into a frown, his eyebrows gone furrowed. While Wednesday tries to hide her blush.

Xavier leaves the circle. "Hey, where ya' going?" Yoko screams for Xavier to hear. "To get more drinks." Xavier turns so he's looking at Yoko. He smiles and turns back around to keep walking.

The game continues but dies down, until there was only a couple of people left. Enid and Wednesday wasn't one of them. They were back on the couch alone. They were both silent, until enid had planted her lips on Wednesday's. The psychic was in shock. They were in a public area for people to see. She pushes Enid off. "We're in a public area Enid." She tells her whiny girlfriend who was annoyed that Wednesday pushed her off. "So what? I don't care anymore." Enid scoffs. "Enid you're drunk, you're going to regret saying that in the morning." Wednesday tries to explain. "Why would I regret telling everyone that Wednesday Addams is my girlfriend, I'm not ashamed. Besides, I'm not drunk, it's been a couple of hours and the alcohol died down." The werewolf proudly exclaimed.

Wednesday sighed and pulled Enid onto her lips. They were making out on the couch. People had seen what were they doing and the couple wasn't bothered, but one person was. Xavier. He went out of the party with out saying a word.

The time was one AM and the party had died down. Wednesday and Enid headed back to their dorm. It was dark, but they managed to get back fine.

Wednesday lies Enid on her bed, Enid was ready to pass out. Wednesday goes to change her clothes into pajamas. After she got out of her closet she sees Enid sleep soundly, she goes to join her on the bed. Before she sleeps she admires Enid's facial features, falling asleep, facing her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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