Chapter 5: Are you sure?

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Two days.

Two more days till homecoming. Enid got a beautiful black dress for Wednesday, of course, Wednesday insisted on paying Enid back since it costed her a hundred and fifty dollars. Enid managed to give in and let Wednesday pay her back.

Wednesday was out in the library leaving Enid and Thing alone in the dorm. While Thing was giving Enid his "Killer neck massage" as Enid described it, A knock can be heard outside the door.

Enid opens the door to find Xavier, holding a small white box with a blue ribbon, a warm smile as his expression. "Hey, so you haven't updated me if you wanted to come with me, and theres two days left. I need to know a-s-a-p." Xavier tells Enid.

"Xavier, I appreciate your invitation very much, but I already have a date." The werewolf informs the artist.

"Oh, well I came to give you this. It's supposed to be like a gift for the dance, but since you have a date already you can just, throw it in the trash if you want." His mood clearly changed, finding out his crush has a date already for the homecoming dance.
"Well I better get going now, I gotta find a new date haha!" Xavier tries to lighten up the mood.

He leaves causing Enid to shut the door, she feels bad because Xavier was really looking forward to going with Enid, but she gets rid of the thought, instead looking forward to the dance with her roommate.

Meanwhile with Wednesday, she was finished reading the seventeenth chapter of 'The Wolfman', and decides to head back to the dorm. She hears the intercom with Principal Weems talking about homecoming. "Hello students, if you don't already know our homecoming is due in Friday, for our new students who don't know how this will work. A poe cup race attended by our former students will happen in the morning and at night, a big dance will be happening. Some of our former students will also be attending the dance, and that's all you need to know about our upcoming homecoming!" Principle Weems announces.

Wednesday did not give a care about what was happening in the morning nor who was attending, all she cared about was having a dance with her roommate Enid.

She goes to their dorm room, hearing Enid and another girl. She has a moment of hesitation, feeling irritated that Enid invited another girl to their dorm. She opens it, she sees Enid with Yoko, giggling as they keep tapping on their phone.

"Hi Wednesday! Me and Yoko are just planning some stuff for the decorations of the dance. Wanna join us." Enid said. Wednesday feels relief, and politely declines the invitation, wanting to just take a nap.

Little did she know, the nap would turn out for her sleeping until the next morning.

She wakes up to see Enid isn't in their room anymore. She checks the time, eight thirty AM. She's going to be late for her morning classes at this rate.

Wednesday quickly gets up, just washes her hair, not having time for a shower and sprits some cologne on. She gets into uniform and checks the time again, nine thirteen AM. "I'm late." The words spat out of her mouth as she starts running to her first period class.

She goes in, everyone is staring. This is the only time Wednesday has ever been late to her classes. She sits down to her desk, next to Xavier. "Why didn't you wake me up?" The psychic turns around, asking angrily at her roommate. "I had to go at six AM, and I didn't have time to go ba—" Enid gets interrupted. "No talking in my class please, Wednesday you're already late, don't try to cause more trouble." Ms. Thornhill interrupts the two from their conversation.

Wednesday turns back to the front, listening to Ms. Thornhill's lesson.

"Hey, so you have a date?" Wednesday's seat mate Xavier asks. The goth girl turns to Xavier, with a confused look. "For the dance, do you have a date for the dance?" The artist adds to clarify the question. "Yes I do." Wednesday responds.

"Wow, never thought Wednesday Addams would go to a school dance, with a date." Xavier teases his seat mate.

"Another word that comes from your mouth might be your last." Wednesday threatens, giving him her signature glare.

"So, who is it?" Xavier's curiosity spikes.

"You'll know at the dance." The bell rings without Wednesday and Xavier noticing they had a full conversation and didn't listen to the teacher.

"-And remember class, no homework for today since the homecoming dance is in tomorrow!" Ms. Thornhill announces, the whole class cheers to having no homework.

The next few classes go on, this time Wednesday was focused and didn't distract herself with conversations from people near her.

Wednesday didn't have anymore classes after two PM, so she went to visit Enid who was decorating the school's ball room. Wednesday goes in the find Enid instructing people on what to do until her roommate notices she was there.

"No I said at the top-right corner- Wednesday! What brings you here roomie?" Enid greets with a warm smile.

"About tomorrow, are you sure you want to go with me? It's okay if you don't want to I'll understan-"

"Wednesday. It's an honor to be going with you to this dance, I love you and I want to spend the night with you." Enid turns red, feeling warmth in her face.

Wednesday as well turns red, she has the feeling in her stomach again. Enid Sinclair really loves Wednesday, enough to assure her that she wants to spend the whole dance night with her.

"Thank you Enid, and, I love you too." Wednesday said back to Enid, wanting her to know that she loves her too.

Wednesday says her good-byes to Enid for her to go to the room, still being red as a tomato. She goes back to her room and sits with her typewriter, typing away.

Thing crawls out of nowhere, seeing Wednesday so red he thought he was dreaming. "Why are you blushing very hard?" Thing signs. "Enid told her she loved me, and I told her I loved her back." She turns to Thing, surprised that she didn't stammer one bit in that sentence. Thing gets excited and jumpy.

Wednesday turns back to her typewriter and went back to typing.

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