Chapter 3: Excuse me?

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The door busts loudly, waking up Wednesday from her sleep. A very wet Enid goes into the room.

"Enid. You're very wet." Wednesday stating the obvious. "Yeah I know! A last minute decision came into Yoko's mind and decided that we should all dive in with our clothes still on!" Enid explained.

"And you had the very smart decision of not bringing extra clothes?" Wednesday said flatly, trying to be sarcastic but Enid fails to notice. "Well yeah-" Enid suddenly gets interrupted. "Just take your clothes off  you're soaking the floor."

Enid suddenly takes off her shirt, leaving her only in her bra and shorts. Wednesday suddenly turns red, her face being warm. She quickly turns around. "God! Not in here, I meant in your bathroom!" Wednesday yells out rambling. "I'm so sorry!" Her face turn red from embarrassment and quickly jumps into her bathroom.

Wednesday was hoping Enid didn't see her face turn red, knowing damn well she was staring long enough for Enid to notice. Wednesday goes ahead to check the time on her phone.

Three AM.

Wednesday's favorite time of day. No wonder.

As Enid is finished showering and putting on her new clothes, she thought about what she saw. Wednesday turning red at the sight of her taking off her shirt on accident. She realize Wednesday only shows emotion around her. She gets flustered and nervous, then jealous when Enid goes out with somebody other than her. Does Wednesday Addams like her?

'No way! Wednesday Addams would never like someone like me, God why would I care it's not like I like her, or do I? My God! Why am I thinking about this at ninety miles-per-hour! Do I like Wednesday Addams? How can I we're complete opposites, but-' Enid's thoughts were none-stop. She stays in her bathroom, contemplating until she hears Wednesday calling her name.

"Enid? You've been in there for quite sometime now." The goth roommate asks concerned. "Uh yeah! I was just thinking about some stuff." Enid quickly makes an excuse to not tell her roommate that she was thinking about her.

Enid quickly gets out after telling Wednesday that. She sees that Wednesday is getting ready, choosing her clothes. "Wednesday? It's three AM, why are you getting ready?" The werewolf was puzzled on the fact her roommate has her clothes out at this time. "I'm going out." Enid was shocked that Wednesday talked to her after what had happen.

"But the curfew?" Enid asked. "You got back in using the dorm door at three AM, knowing how loud you are and you managed to get pass, I think I'll be fine." The shorter one explains to her roommate. "Why are you going out anyway?" Enid keeps asking questions. "I want to go out for a walk. Now, further questions will not be entertained." Wednesday gets annoyed by all the questions her roommate is asking.

After what had happen Wednesday thought she would never want to talk to her roommate again, but she could not the annoying voice of her roommate. The thought of it made her flustered all over again. 'Oh god, please get out of my head.' She whispered to herself, it was loud enough for Enid to hear.

"Say what?" Enid's curiosity spiked after hearing Wednesday was whispering to herself. "Never mind you, good-bye now Sinclair, sleep tight." Wednesday rushes to the circular window to use as her entrance and exit. Thing rushes out of his hiding place, after spying their conversation. "You heard that didn't you?" Thing gestured that he did. "Sleep tight? Wednesday Addams would never say 'Sweet Dreams' to me!" The taller one exclaimed to her hand friend. 

"Well since she is in love with you, she probably would." Thing signed. "Excuse me? No way there's no possible way Wednesday Addams would like me let alone be in love with me haha, right? Well cause I also like her and-" Enid rambles and rambles to Thing not knowing Wednesday was behind her the whole time.

"Enid?" The taller one says to Enid getting flustered. The girl had gotten butterflies in her stomach after hearing what her roommate had said about her.

"Wednesday! I didn't know you were here and I was just rambling you know I'm probably drunk even though I didn't drink anything or maybe I'm hallucinating haha! I think I should go and sleep because you know a full moon is probably going to be out and you know werewolves thing-- Okay am I talking too much? I don't think so, okay good-bye!" Enid panics and quickly jumps to her bed shoving her face to her pillow, then screams. Enid then gets up and goes to her bathroom, staying there for awhile.

"Enid, likes me?" Turning to Thing. "Yes you idiot, Enid is in love with you as you are with her." The hand gestures at Wednesday. "I am not in love with Enid, and how would you know? She probably meant she likes me as a friend." The psychic told Thing, trying to hide her blush knowing damn well Thing is right about Wednesday being in love with her roommate.

"While you were in the library, we spent an hour giving each other manicures, she really opened up about her feelings for you." Thing gestured as Wednesday was shaking. 'Enid likes me too?' The thought circulated all over Wednesday's head.  Enid's Bathroom door opens.

"Wednesday, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I don't want to make you uncomforta--"

"It's okay, just, make sure of your surroundings next time." Wednesday blushes, not trying to hide the fact that she like's Enid. 

A moment later, Wednesday cancelled her walk, and is laying in bed asleep, while Enid watches her, can't fall asleep of what had happen this morning and the sun still hasn't risen. Enid goes over to Wednesday's side, admiring her features, caressing her chin, then stopping just to watch her sleep

Enid goes back to her bed, and dowses off, thinking about her roommate Wednesday.

Author's Note: I had no idea for this chapter, I hope you enjoy

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