finding out

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When we got back I went to the room to shower the blood out Lathan went to his office with the others to find out how they found us

When I was done I change into sweatpants and Lathan's baggy shirt I put Bella to sleep and went to his office

Lathan- find out now

He looked mad I went to him

You- you okay

Lathan- y/n Ima ask you a question be honest

You- okay

Lathan- did you contact them about our location

You- No I didn't

Lathan- are you sure

You- yes and why would I on the day of my daughter's birthday it would danger her why would you think I would put my daughter in danger if I did contact them

Lathan- your right I'm sorry

He gave me a hug I hugged back

You- it's okay I get it

Lathan- I'm just stressed

You- you need help I can try to find it

I sat in front of the computer and started doing my thing they were keeping a close eye on me making sure I wouldn't do anything

I was going through the cameras near the place and others then I found it

You- it seems that that person was at the party don you have the list of people that were at the party

Lathan- go get it

Bg- yes sir

He went out and came back he gave me the list with info and their pictures then I found it I searched him up and he was part of a mission

You- so I guess his name is Elijah he is part of an organization that was sent on a mission to take the organization down and got into the party

I got up and stretched my job here is done

You- I'm done here I'm going to sleep

Jay- damn y/n your smart

You- I've always been

Jay- ehhh

You- oh shut it

I went to go give lathan a kiss and went back upstairs to my room I would give it up when it comes to my daughter I got in my bed and slept

A couple of minutes later*

I felt someone lying next to me I looked and it was Lathan he was holding me I hugged him too we went to sleep cuddling

Next morning*

I woke up and did my routine I woke Bella up to take her a shower after I was done I changed her into a white shirt with black sweatpants and her little black socks I did her hair in two pigtails he hair was curly like Lathan with her pale skin like his

I put her on the bed and went to brush my teeth when I came out I saw Bella trying to wake Lathan up

Bella- pa pa waky you waky

You- baby, let him sleep

Bella- pa pa no waky

You- he's tired

Lathan woke up and looked at her and smiled

Lathan- morning mamas

he got up kissed me then went to the bathroom and took a shower after he was done he came out with just sweatpants on and no shirt his tattoos showing

Lathan- you like what you see

You- very much

He came towards me and started kissing me I was kissing back his hands were going down my body and he was gripping my ass we stopped cause Bella was blabbing random things we went downstairs to eat

After we were done Bella was watching tv I was on the couch reading Lathan was in his office discussing what the plan is to capture the guy

After they were done he came out and sat on the couch

Lathan- ima go out for a while I'll be back soon

You- okay

I was still focused on the book

Lathan- ima go see other people

You- okay

Lathan- I'm going to the strip club

I looked up at him with a serious face

Lathan- I'm joking

He leaned in to kiss me I pulled away

Lathan- why would I wanna go to the club when I have you that's all I need

I just stayed quiet with a serious face he leaned in and kissed me I kissed back

Lathan- I would never cheat on you I love you so much and our family

You- I  love you too

He got off the couch and went to the room to get ready to go do his business he came down all dressed nice

He came to the couch where I was Bella was playing with her toys he gave me a bye kiss

Lathan- get ready by the time I get back we're gonna go to a fancy restaurant I'll call the maid to tell you when I'll be back

You- okay be careful

He kissed Bella and left the maid has a son around Bella's age she works for Lathan cause she needs the money she is around in her 30s sometimes her son comes to play with Bella I allow it cause she doesn't have many kids to play with and she gets lonely

Hours later* I was still reading my book when the maid came to me

Maid- Mrs.Echol Mr.Echol called saying he's on his way

You- already okay thank you may You take care of Bella while I get ready

Maid- of course

You- thank you

I went upstairs to the room I changed into a black dress and high heels I did my makeup and my hair after I was done Lathan walked in he had blood on him I got up quick

You- are you okay

Lathan- yeah it's not me

You- don't scare me like that next time say something

He looked me up and down he licked his lips

Lathan- you look so sexy

You- aww thank you bae

I gave him a kiss he kissed back he grabbed my ass squeezing it

You- no go get ready

Lathan- fine I gotta shower again

He went into the bathroom to shower after he was done he came out with a towel around the waist his six-pack showing his v line showing he was so hot he went in the closet on his side I took my heels off and went inside there too

I hugged him from behind he didn't mind I started going down and touching his member he groan

Lathan- wait y/n

You- what

Lathan- you know once you start I won't stop

You- it's okay

Lathan- don't you wanna go out

You- we can always go tomorrow

Lathan- are you sure

You- yeah

Lathan hold up

He went to go get his phone made a call and said to cancel the reservation I went to go take off my makeup he ended the call he came behind me I felt his member rubbing on me

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