meeting him

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I woke up took a shower wore my uniform I went outside with the others we're going to shoot I already know I'm the best one that shoots good, I got my gun got in my possession

I started shooting the stuff thing  then I felt a tap on my shoulder I stopped and turned towards them it was Derek

Derek- we have to go to the meeting

You- okay

I took of the things then follow behind him we got to the meeting room we sat down

Boss- okay so today I guys r going to go with y/n to (random location) and we'll catch him today

Boss- got tht go get ready it's almost time

We got up walked away and went to our room I took a shower changed into the clothes they left me on the bed

I strained my hair put light makeup i put the earbud in I walked out went to the meeting room I put the things they gave me like a jewelry that had a microphone so they can listen to us

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I strained my hair put light makeup i put the earbud in I walked out went to the meeting room I put the things they gave me like a jewelry that had a microphone so they can listen to us

It was time to go we got in a car

We got in the car I sat in the back with Derek and mattia and in the front is alejandro and diego in the other car r the others we got to the location

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We got in the car I sat in the back with Derek and mattia and in the front is alejandro and diego in the other car r the others we got to the location

They were hella guards

You- boss I don't think today is the day that we'll capture him

Boss-why is that

You- umm so you see-

Mattia- there are many guards

Boss- fine we'll do it another day

You- I'll text lathan I'm here

I got my phone out texted him I'm here he texted back fast he said he'll be there I seen the gates open alejandro drove in we got to this big mansion I seen lathan waiting outside mattia opened the door he got his hand out I took it

We all got out we walked towards him  I shook his hand

You- hey lathan

Lathan- you can call me lil mosey or mosey close friends call me that

F.B.I (Lathan/Lil Mosey)Where stories live. Discover now