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I turned around he unzipped my dress down he picked me up I had my legs around him he went to the bed and layed me down he had his pants off his shirt as well

he was on to of me I had on matching sets he took my bra off with one hand and with the other my panties he was kissing my neck I was moaning he was leaving marks on me

he went down to my body I felt his member at my entrance

you- lathan put a condom on

lathan- it's fine baby

he said still kissing me I know that's a damn lie I better get ready for baby number two

the whole night we just kept going even tho I was tired he wasn't my body was sore and covered in hickeys and bit marks mostly on my thighs

after this round I couldn't anymore he kept going to the point I think I am gonna get pregnant

you- lathan please I'm tired

lathan- one more round

you- we went multiple times I lost track after 20

lathan- just one more baby

he said kissing my neck I gave in that one round turned into 4 more he finally stopped we took a bath together I couldn't stand anymore my body was so sore

his hand marks on my waist thighs and arm after we got done we got out  he helped me put on some clothes I wrapped my legs around his waist he took us to another room the maid was gonna clean the sheets

we went into the other room and layed down I knocked out after my head touched the pillow we went to sleep cuddling


I woke up but my body was more sore than last night I tried going to the bathroom without falling I successfully made it then I went neck to the bed and flopped on it waking up Lathan je looked at me I looked at him mad

lathan- what happened baby

you- shut up you know what you did

lathan- you still hurt

you- no shit Sherlock I can barely walk

lathan- it's okay baby I got nothing to do today we can stay in bed for today

you- I don't wanna be in bed

Lathan- who cares just lay down

you- what about Bella

Lathan- the maid got her

you- you're lazy

Lathan- come on and we got nothing to do today

you- you're right

I went more to his side we the. went to sleep

5 hours later*

I woke up with Bella crying I looked at lathan who was still sleeping I looked at the time it was already in the afternoon I got up my body was hurting less i started walking out of the room

downstairs to see Bella crying and the maid trying to calm her down

maid- Bella why are you crying your diaper is changed you already ate so what now

she said lifting her up

you- why is she crying so much

maid- I'm not sure ma'am

I went uo to her to get Bella then she started calming down she was tired

maid- she's calming down

you- she just needed her nap that's all

maid- I'll prepare food for you

you- okay thank you

she left I sat down on the couch looking at Bella she's looking more like lathan every second I was humming to Bella while she started closing her eyes I was rubbing her stomach

this was how my mom felt when I was a baby I smiled at Bella wondering how she'll be when she gets older the maid told me food was ready I got up and went to the dinner table I sat down still having Bella with me

she came up to me asking if she should hold her while I eat I told her it was fine I was eating after I was done I went to the couch

minutes later lathan came down he went towards us and gave me a kiss on the head he looked at Bella and kissed her head too then he went to go eat

all I was thinking while looking at Bella was is this family a good thing to have even tho what lathan does for a living and me who betrayed my family the F.B.I agency

Lathan came and sat down next to us he turned the news on to see what's on

report- thank you Trevor now with today an F.B.I agent y/n y/ln has been missing for 2 years with no trace including her daughter Bella Echol  they say the suspect is no other than Lathan Echol one of the biggest drug trafficker the police can't find no trace of him either  the police and the F.B.I are looking into it

she was talking more about it They even showed a picture of us my baby looks so cute I looked at lathan who had a look he got his phone out and texted someone then he turned it off

you- now what

lathan- it's taken care of don't worry beautiful

he gave me a kiss on the lips he got up and went to the room he came back down dressed up

you- where you going

lathan- I have a meeting to go to I'll be back later

you- said you didn't have anything to do today

lathan- something came up

he gave me a kiss on the lips and left I just looked at him leave the house from the front door I looked back at Bella

that's weird he said we domt have anything to do today I should stop worrying I got up from the couch I gotta start working out I gave the maid Bella and went to the room I changed into workout clothes and went to our own gym

I had a personal trainer he was gay lathan had to find him cause he didn't want a guy I didn't want a girl to be a trainer cause lathan might want to fuck her he did it last time so he got him Michael

we started working out together we did some basic work out then we did some other ones he's even a fighting trainer so we did do that

we took a small break I checked the time it's been 3 hours already I went to go check on Bella she was awake playing he toys I went to go shower after I was dont I changed into a baggy shirt and shorts I went back downstairs

it's already dark i asked the maid if Lathan hasn't returned yet she said he hasn't I went on the couch watching tv Bella had her head down on my lap I was massaging her little head

3 hours later*

lathan still hasn't returned back after 3 more hours it's already at 11:40 Bella is already sleeping i took her to our room and I put her on the bed I did my night routine and went to bed maybe lathan is gonna be back soon and with that I went to sleep with Bella by my side

F.B.I (Lathan/Lil Mosey)Where stories live. Discover now