Chapter 8

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"He's a witness. Ms. Im told him to keep silent because he knows something or he saw something. There's a high probability that he's a witness" Ms. Yeon said

"I already asked detective Min to look into his acquaintances"

"We're entering a new phase then" said Attorney Park

"Yun seo, please be more careful though. I like that you work hard but don't let yourself get hurt" She told me "and you too Attorney Park" she looked at him

"I honestly thought he was going to die" I told them

"Why would I die? I'm capable of defending myself so don't worry" He said

"How can I not? You got knocked down in one swing. If he had hit you straight to the head..." I sighed

"I actually get hit on the head" He said

"Attorney Park is weaker than he looks" Ms. Yeon said making Jimin scoff and laugh a bit

"When I was involved in a drug trafficking case, I was attacked by a criminal organization" Attorney Park said

"A gang?" Said Ms. Yeon being interested on what he is saying

"Yes. Two criminal syndicates seud one another to frame them for a crime. Thanks to my meticulous and just actions, our side won the case" He said laughing

"Attorney Park?" Ms. Yeon called out "even your laugh is handsome" she said drooling over him and I just release a deep sigh

we left the office and saw that detective Min had just returned and we immediately entered the meeting room with attorney Park and my secretary

"What? Park Su Myeong was at Im Yun Hee's house that night?" I asked dhim to clarify

"Yes, he's certain of it. The old man told me that he was returning to the junk shop with the cart of goods when he met Su Myeong with a plastic bag that Su Myeong said it was a delivery for Ms. Im. He also said that Su Myeong was so smitten with Ms. Im" Detective Min said

"Park Su Myeong is in love with Ms. Im?" Said my secretary

"Then he could be keeping silent eventhough he saw everything" Attorney Park says

"I think he's a witness for sure" Ms. Kwon said

"He might not be" both me and Attorney Park said in unison making the two of them look at us

"If he's not then..."

"I'll go ahead, I have some things to ask Ms. Im" I told them and ended the talk

I went inside the office and Attorney Park was behind me to continue what he was doing while secretary kwon went to the Xerox machine. Afer I took my coat and briefcase, Attorney Park called me for a moment

"Drink this" He said giving me a red ginseng

"What's this?" I asked

"A red ginseng" He replied

"I know, I mean what for?"

"I bought these today especially for you" He smiled

he made me drink it in front of him and I opened the sachet and consumed it

"How was it? Do you feel energized?" He asked

"Yes, thanks" I answered briefly

I left and drove to the jail to talk to Ms. Im

"Can I ask you a question?" I started "when the incident happened, you were having injuries that needed nine weeks to recover and your husband was much bigger than you. So how could you kill him by just stabbing him twice?"

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