Chapter 10

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I just woke up and I'm on my way to the law firm. I didn't attend Jimin's invitation to me the other day in his condo for a party. I don't like being with numerous people whom I barely knew so I just told Jimin yesterday that I won't be able to come amd sent him a present instead

Right now, I'm wearing a creme longsleeve and a pair of white blazer and trousers then a pair of creme high-heels

As usual, when I entered the elevator, Jimin is there

"Good morning" He greeted shortly and I just gave him a small smile

What happened last night is still processing inside my mind up until right now. Jimin kissing me and me responding to it is a mental torture to me

When the elevator opened, I immediately rushed outside and head to the parking area and drove away. I stopped by at my favourite coffee and ordered my usual coffee

"Good morning Attorney Lee! Mocha as usual?" The cashier in the drive thru asked. Some crew here already know me since I am a regular customer

"Yes, please" I replied and gave her the money

"Thank you, Attorney Lee" she said as I grabbed my order and drove away

When I arrived at the law firm everyone are gathered in a small table having their coffee and waffles. Jimin is also there eating some

Accidentally glancing towards his lips made me saw flashbacks of him kissing me

What the hell are thinking yun seo? Get a grip out of it already!

I mentally slapped myself with my own thoughts and looked back at them

"Good morning Attorney Lee!"

"Yun seo, I bought waffle. You should have some" Ms. Yeon said offering me some but I declined

"I remembered when I had the tastiest waffles when I was in Canada back then..." Ms. Yeon told them but I didn't listen to it anymore

I headed directly to my office and placed my case aside and sat on my swiveling chair

I started doing some paperworks and focused doing it

Few hours passed when my secretary entered the room with a box on her hands

"Attorney Lee, Prosecutor Kim dropped this" she said placing the box on my table

"Did he say anything?" I asked and grabbed the box

"He said that it was a peace offering"

Peace offering? For what? This moron, what did Se Won did again?

"Okay" I replied shortly and she excused herself leaving the room

I opened the box to see dozens of macarons with different flavors. Se Won, of course know my favorites. How could he not? We've been friends for while now

I opened one of them and ate it. I smiled to myself. Macarons can really light up my mood

But, what did Se Won did?

I continued working so that I'll finish the cases earlier than expected. Yeo Reum called me a while ago to grab dinner together and I agreed

I went to the office's pantry and place some macarons there for the other employees to eat. When I closed the refrigerator, my heart jumped off as I saw Jimin behind it

"What are you doing there, Attorney Park?" I asked him

"Uhm..." he smiled awkwardly "can I take you to dinner later?" He asked

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