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Daliah's POV

I woke up the next morning to my alarm at 5 am and slapped my phone repeatedly until it shut up. I had to be up early because I needed to make breakfast for Dimitri before going to work. I knew that he would be gone for a week but I had forgotten to switch off my alarm. I didn't mind waking up early though. It was very peaceful in the morning.

Soo you might be thinking...didn't Dimitri get arrested or something considering all the shit he does? Well, yes and no.

That bastard had connections everywhere. Even in the police department. So... ipso facto... he got released after only 3 months in prison!! During his imprisonment, I was sent to a foster home which was obviously not as good as my home but as long as I was away from that monster, I was content.

Due to him having connections in the police, I couldn't even report his barbaric behaviour. I found this out the hard way.
I reported him, two men came to our house to "investigate" but instead, they WATCHED him beat me up and added their own few hits. 

He raped me as a punishment. 

I had never felt so alone in my life. I felt disgusted by Dimitri and myself. For being so weak, for being so helpless.

But that soon changed.

Dimitri is friends with this gangster Aleksei who is Russian and literally a century older than me. I've seen him once or twice. Both of them pushed me into street fighting when I was only 15 and I almost died more times than I'd like to admit.

Soon I started improving because I realised this wasn't gonna end anytime soon and I might as well get better. I trained all day, watched every single fight, grappled with everyone, learned almost every single martial art, and the result is a woman who you don't wanna mess with or you might possibly (probably) end up dead and who also knows and understand the fighting styles of most of the major mafia gangs. 

I was practically a fighting machine.

Aleksei and Dimitri would send me into street fights and bet on me. I would win obviously. Soon I became the number one street fighter at 19 years of age. I could beat the crap out of a man thrice my size, no problem. But that was not good because then Aleksei and Dimitri sent me into MORE fights which was a huge pain in the ass.

I tried to fight Dimitri once and he called Aleksei. I had him down when Aleksei turned up. We fought but he emotionally distracted me while we were throwing hands. Still, just when I thought he was about to go down, a LOT of men from his gang turned up. I fought till I my legs were about to give out but obviously 30 to 1 was not a ratio where I was at the advantage. They ended up having to tranquilise me and I killed 15 of their men and left the rest bruised or with something broken. To be honest I was so proud of myself.

I was punished by being locked up in a cell for one week with only a sports bra and shorts leaving all my scars and bruises on show. The temperature was decreased to 5 degrees. I didn't get food or water for one week. They had originally planned to keep me there for more time but I passed out on day 7 and they let me go.

I also overheard them talking while they thought I was unconscious and guess what. Dimitri sold me to Aleksei - who was, apparently, the leader of the Russian Bratva - and I was supposed to be a member of his mafia as well by becoming Aleksei's motherfucking wife and bear his children!!!! It was very hard not to react when I heard that.

I also learnt how to speak a lot of languages that are used in this dark mafia world. So, yes. This experience got me an impressive skill set but is it worth all this abuse? I don't think so.

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