★ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖 ★

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Hey oranges!!!
Nobody told me any changes I make to published chapters would be announced on everyone's notification feed THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING-

Anyways, one major change I made was that the compensation Daliah has to pay is now €100,000 instead of 300,000 cuz *snorts* that's wayyy too crazy.

Euro isn't the currency of my country so I honestly have no idea what I am doing.....any help is much appreciated :3

Also, I'm running out of things to say for my author's notes and not many people read it anyway, so from now on I won't be writing them unless I need to talk to you guys about something, which i hope is okay?

Another thing, POVs will keep switching a lot in a single chapter because that was the only way I could finish them.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, please vote if you do and feel free to comment your thoughts about anything, i make sure to read all of them :)))

_akuto <3

Daliah's POV


Waking up is not fun. As soon as I opened my eyes, my current situation hit me with plenty of questions.
What if Dimitri comes home early?
What if Enzo decides to call the cops anyway?
What if he sells drugs to little children?

'Where did THAT come from-?'

My thoughts swam around my head in a confusing pattern and I walked inside the washroom to wash my face so I feel a little more oriented.

After I was done getting ready, reapplying the medicine on my wounds and made my bed, I walked outside the room to eat something.

Nearing the kitchen, I heard noises of spoons and plates and peeked inside to find Enzo sitting on a stool next to the island, eating the breakfast I made him and wearing fresh clothes. I guess he read the note I left for him when I went in his room to retrieve my phone last night.

He looked up as I shuffled inside and I offered a meek 'good morning', to which he simply nodded. It was really awkward as I made my breakfast without us saying anything. I was feeling tired so I just made some ready-to-eat ramen.

After a few moments of me slurping my noodles and him eating, I finally spoke up.
"So uh....when can we go to the store to get some clothes for you?"
He paused and said, "As soon as you're done eating."
I nodded and tried to eat quicker, not wanting to keep him waiting for long.

After I was done I washed the dishes, grabbed my wallet, helmet and keys and headed out with Enzo.


Placing all the bags on the couch, I plopped down on the armchair and Enzo did the same on the other one.
"I hope you got everything you need?" I asked, praying he said yes because I ain't doing shopping like that again. He nodded and I sighed, slumping down on the seat.

I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the document I had made, reading it loud enough for him to hear me.

Clothing Costs - €700
Phone - 500
Other Stuff - €100
Remaining Debt ---> €68,700

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