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Daliah's POV

I adjusted my black mask and cap, after making sure that Enzo wasn't awake. My motorcycle roared to life and I cringed at the loud engine.

After double checking, I headed towards the location Vittore sent me, his message playing in my mind.

"Aeron Clark. Tall, blonde and has a scar on his right cheek. He owes me money. Usually hangs around Club Almaz. Go to him and if he doesn't have it, let the bouncers take care of it."

*timeskip to the Almaz*

I walked around the club, discreetly inspecting everyone's faces. The bass vibrated through the air, half-drunk adults and bodies grinding on each other surrounding me.

Where is he?

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a flash of gold heading out of the exit, with a barely dressed girl clad on his arm. As he turned around to yell at someone who bumped into him, the pink and blue lights washed over his face, illuminating a straight scar running from the end of his eyebrow to his cheekbone.
A smirk made its way on my face, hidden under the cap.



"Aeron?" I called out, once I caught up to him outside.
He turned around to face me.

"That's my name," he murmured as his eyes ran up and down my body. I already didn't like him.
"Sorry babe, you're hot but I already have a girl for tonight. Maybe tomorrow."

My fist swung out, hitting his face as soon as he finished. The girl screamed and scampered away as he stumbled back, covering his nose with his hand.

"Do I look like I came to be your fucktoy?" I spat.
"Woah, really feisty, huh?" he smirked.

I kicked his stomach, making him collapse before grabbing his neck. Aeron choked.
"You know...I prefer my girls beneath me but this works t-" Another punch made him shut up. My fingers fisted his collar. "Vittore wants his money back."

He laughed hoarsely in reply, eyes red with a slightly deranged look in them. "I don't have no money. So just kill me already."

I rolled my eyes. "Though I'd love to," my elbow met his face, and he slumped down, knocked out. "I can't be bothered."


I slowly made my way back after dropping Aeron with the bulky men at the entrance to Almaz. My whole body felt sore and heavy with fatigue. All of a sudden, I was surrounded by two laughing voices - one deep and warm, they other light and melodious. They sounded strangely...familiar?

Curious, I looked around but couldn't see anyone in sight. As I neared my motorcycle, the laughter grew louder and soon I could make out the silhouettes of two people under the moonlight. I walked faster, till I could make out their features.

It was a man and a woman. The woman had luscious black hair, electric blue eyes and a face that glowed with health. I abruptly stopped walking, and my heart stopped in realisation.


My eyes flitted over to the tall, brooding man and widened in shock and disbelief. Warm brown eyes, a freshly shaved face with sharp features and a contagious smile.

It was unmistakably Dad.

They both saw me, while I was frozen in place, reeling with shock. My heart wanted to run up and let myself me enveloped in their warm embrace; but my mind refused to believe they were real.

I could feel myself on the verge of tears and turned around to compose myself. But when I turned back again...the path was empty.

I wildly looked around, desperate to see their faces again, desperate to feel the warmth radiating out of them, desperate to receive the look they always gave me filled with endless adoration.

I searched everywhere.

But the nostalgic vision had disappeared like a lie.


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