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Daliah's POV


I was about to sleep and was walking towards my mother's room to say goodnight.

'Whatever. I'll say goodnight to Dimitri too.'

Just as I was about to knock on the door, I heard the sound of a muffled scream. You couldn't have heard it if you weren't right in front of the door. My mind raced, thinking about if I should open the door or not. I was worried about mom so I plucked up the courage and opened it silently.
The sight that awaited me made my blood run cold.

Mom. Pushed against the wall.
Dimitri. Forcing himself on her.

He pushed his lips on hers and forcefully opened her mouth to slide his tongue in. Mom tried to struggle, only for him to grip her neck and push her further against the wall
He started unbuttoning her shirt, and mom kneed him in his gut. That held him off for a second.

Only a second though.

"YOU BITCH!" he roared and slapped her. Hard.

With a cry of pain mom fell to the ground. All the while I was standing at the doorway, watching. Frozen in shock or fear, I didn't know. But when he slapped her, I snapped out of my trance.

"Mom, no!" I yelled and rushed towards Dimitri, picking up a bottle on the nightstand. Before he could react, I banged the bottle on his head. He grunted and held his hand to his temple. Blood was already flowing out of it but I couldn't care less. 

I went over to mom who was trying to get up. Just as she was about to take my outstretched arm, I felt a searing pain in my gut as he kicked me away from her.

I let out a cry of agony.

"DALIAH! GET OUT OF HERE!" Mom screamed at me. I hauled myself to my feet and watched as Dimitri ripped off her shirt and pushed her onto the bed. Then I suddenly clicked. I grabbed mom's phone and called the cops.

911 what's your emergency?

>> Hi, th-this is Daliah from 3rd Bluebell Street house n-number 15. My mom is being assaulted b-by my step father D-Dimitri Rossi p-please come quickly!

Don't worry Daliah, we're on our way. Just hang in there we'll be there as soon as possible.

>> Thank you. P-please hurry!

I cut the call and looked up to see mom in just her bra and underwear. Dimitri was taking off his shirt. I had to do something. Quick. I had to stall until the cops arrived. 

I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a knife and ran back to the room in record time. Dimitri had just finished taking off his shirt.

"STOP RIGHT NOW OR THIS KNIFE IS GOING IN YOUR CHEST YOU MONSTER!" I yelled and pointed the knife at him. My mom's eyes had panic and fear in them. Dimitri's eyes also held a bit of fear and panic. 

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