☆ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕 ☆

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Daliah's POV

As soon as I entered the shed I slammed the door shut and leaned against it with widened eyes, sending a cloud of dust in the air.


I invited a man who I DON'T KNOW in my house!!
Was I finally losing my mind?
Was all the trauma finally taking its toll on my brain?

Because NO person in their right mind who has gone through what I did would do...THAT. Hell, no NORMAL person would invite an unknown man inside their house to STAY WITH THEM for over THREE WEEKS.

I took a deep breath.

'It's okay, I can't do anything about it now. I'm a strong woman who knows how to fight and I can beat the shit out of him if he tries anything.'

That is....if my fear doesn't take over.
Enzo was tall and built with a threatening aura screaming dominance and authority that reminded me of Dimitri and Aleksei.

The fact that I had fought - and beaten - guys two times as buff as them didn't apply to this situation. This wasn't about physical ability, this was about the terrifying grip Dimitri and Aleksei had on my emotions. They had broken me and injected a fear in my heart. Fear of them. The fear which made me follow their every command, which made me physically unable to fight back, to rebel.

I didn't know Enzo, and the fact that I saw a glimpse of my tormentors whenever I looked at him, didn't help with the impression. The thought that at any moment, at any second, he could get mad and try to hurt me filled me with absolute terror.

I shook my head. This was not the time to think about stuff like this. I had a shed to tidy.


A hundred mini heart attacks - caused by random spiders - and a few million sneezes later, I stepped back to admire my hard work.
This shed used to be my room before dad died. He had built this so I had a place to go to whenever I needed to be alone, my own haven. Little did he know, that he was my safe place. And when he was gone, so was my haven.

Countless moments spent with him resurfaced in my mind, turning my eyes glassy. I shoved the thoughts away. They only caused heartache, and that was the last thing I needed to deal with right now.

My eyes swept over the room. Everything had been dusted, the bedsheets changed, the floor swept and vacuumed, the window wiped, and the bathroom cleaned. It was looking pretty good if I do say so myself. The only thing left to do no was arrange for the things Enzo would require to live here. I checked the time. It was 8am.

I couldn't buy his clothes without him so I just decided to buy other things, like a toothbrush, slippers, stuff like that. Wearing my shoes and taking my keys with me, I headed to the store.


After returning from the store, I made breakfast for Enzo and wrote a note, informing him about it. Sticking it on the refrigerator, I made my way to my room across the hall.

Now that everything was done, the lack of sleep finally caught up to me. I yawned, exhausted. My whole body was aching. My earlier bruises hadn't healed yet and my muscles were craving rest. I was hesitant about being asleep when Enzo woke up. I would be vulnerable, and he could do anything.

I sighed. Countless nightmares had rendered me fearful of letting sleep completely wash over me. Even though I tried not to sleep sound enough for them to take over my dreams, I still woke up dripping in sweat many times.

In the end I had to give in to my exhaustion and fell asleep on my bed, not bothering to change my clothes.



Wassup people!

YES I finally updated the book :)
I just checked and HOLY GUACAMOLE OVER 800 READS?! 
Thats almost 200 away from 1k!!!
Aaaaahhhhhh thank you guys smmm i love y'all <333
I'm racking my brain for something else to say but I can't think of anything so lets just say the usual and end it yeah?

I hope you liked the chapter, do vote if you did and please comment, I love reading them! Please inform me of any grammatical/spelling errors you find in any of my chapters I will try to correct them asap.

Have an awesomeeeee day :3

_akuto <3

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