Chapter 2: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

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Wake up, son. You have a long journey ahead of you, A beautiful, familiar voice whispered into my ear.

Wake up...

"Wake up Matthew," Josh yelled into my ear, startling me awake.

As he laughed, my anger quickly transformed into joy as I laughed along with him, and eventually, we stopped laughing before Josh said "C'mon, it's time to go."

"Are you coming," I said as I got up from my bed and used my super speed to quickly change clothes into a black t-shirt with a yellow lightning bolt and dark blue jeans.

"No. By the way, I have a question," Josh asked as I observe my appearance in the mirror.

"Shoot," I replied.

"Don't you feel... anxious, whenever you change at super speed like that?"

"Sure, I used to, but I've realized you can't see me when I'm... anyways... what time should I go find Steve?"

"You should go now."

"Of course. Be lazy because I can go anywhere in a millisecond," I joked before rushing out of the room at super speed.

Hey Uncle, where are you, I thought telepathically.

In the garage, Steve thought back.

Hearing this, I headed to the garage. Seconds later, I was right next to Steve, who was leaning against a wall and tuning a shotgun. Without any indication he noticed me, he said "Are you ready?"

"Don't really have to prepare anything. I am a recruit after all."

"One with the potential to destroy the entire universe," Steve revealed as he hooked the shotgun on his backpack, formed his helmet around his head, and pulled out his non-broken sword before teleporting us on a cliff side.

"Wait, WHAT?!"

"It's true," he said as he transformed his sword into a sniper rifle and laid down, aiming his rifle at the valley below.

"I've been observing your abilities through your blood, and it seems you have the potential to create sources of energy rivaling the Big Bang," he continued, his voice turning to a whisper.

"When did you get my blood?"

"Remember that time when we shook hands?"

"You... wait a minute. Did you know if any feel physical things?"

"Yes, for a while now."

"Can... can you tell me why I'm like that?"


As one of Robert's supply trucks with escort vehicles appeared into view, which were driving through the ridge, Steve told me "I'm not 100% sure, but I believe it has something to do with you being part Knuman and your body also being made of electricity."

"Oh. I thought it was something like 'the electricity in my body short-circuited my nerves.'"

"If that happened, you wouldn't be able to move your body either."

Then, Steve's expression suddenly turned somber. But when he remembered I was next to him, he reset his expression, then said "I need to drop down to intercept the supply trucks. Stay low and silent."

Steve then teleported down in front of the trucks, and quickly shot both wheels on the supply truck with just one sniper bullet, before transforming his rifle back into a sword and he shot an electric dart out of a gauntlet at an escort vehicle's engine, causing an explosion that flipped any nearby vehicles over.

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