Chapter 19: I Don't Know Why

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When I returned to consciousness, I opened my eyes, and saw I was in a large titanium maximum security prison cell, with my only source of light being from the small, rectangular glass window near the top of the door in front of me.

After slowly getting up, I went to the glass, used my arms to lift myself up to see through the glass, and saw I was in the middle of a hallway filled with maximum containment cells.

Across from me was a cell with techno electricity sparking throughout the inside of the cell, and inside was what looked like Matthew.

Fuck, I thought before dropping back down to the floor and walking backwards to the back wall.

Why'd they think I killed them? I didn't... someone must've framed me. That's it.


But why accuse the others? They weren't even there.

"H-hello," Matthew asked weakly.

"Matthew," I yelled, going up to the door to talk to Matthew.


"Yes, it's me! Are you alright?!"

"H-Heh. Didn't think I'd see the day where you were worried about me," Matthew joked weakly.

"Don't go anywhere! I'll try and find a way out!"

"It's no use," Samantha said, who sounded like she was in a cell to my left. "I heard the guards talking. This place is completely secure. Even if we had a way around every single barrier in this prison, there's still guards everywhere."

"Hey," a man with a raspy voice yelled from the hallway. "Stop talking!"

"Fuck," I cussed as I sat my back against the back wall; my body slowly sitting down.

I then tried figuring out a way to escape. I considered cutting myself to let Bob know I was bleeding, and therefore that we were in danger... but when I looked around, there was nothing.

The cell was perfect. Nothing stuck out, it was only titanium and glass. And I couldn't break the glass, since I had nothing to throw at it.

"There has to be a way! There has to-"

I stopped talking when I heard a door to the right opening, followed by several footsteps. Using the sound of the footsteps, I calculated that there were 23 guards coming into the hallway.

Once the footsteps stopped outside my cell's door, the doors for my cell, Matthew's, and Samantha's were opened.

I knew I had no chance of escaping here, so I didn't do anything as the doors opened. When I could see the people who entered the hallway, I saw 5 guards with guns trained on me, and an Asian female guard waiting for confirmation that it was safe to approach.

Once she knew it was safe, she walked to me and said commandingly "Turn around and face the wall."

I did what she commanded, and also put my hands behind my back to make it easier for her. Then, after she locked my wrists with handcuffs, she put her hand on my shoulder and started walking me out of the cell.

When we left the cell, I saw Samantha and Matthew being walked out of their cells as well. Samantha was in handcuffs, seeming to be completely emotionless, while Matthew had a shock collar around his neck.

The guards proceeded to walk us out of the hallway, and once we were out we were outside and on a blue energy platform in the air.

The sun made it hard to see for a moment, but I didn't have time to adjust my vision because a guard pushed me from behind with his rifle.

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