Chapter 22: Giants

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Meanwhile; Bob's Perspective

I stood in the middle of a graveyard, in front of a single gravestone surrounded by a circle of broken gravestones.

The air wasn't as cold as usual, so I didn't bring my jacket this time. But even if it was cold... I still had a fire that continued to burn, deep inside my soul.

"I'm... not sure what do, Elizabeth. Part of me wants to continue staying true to Knightmare's deal, but I think it's already broken."

"I know I shouldn't have accepted the deal in the first place... but you know I made you a promise. To protect them no matter what."


"But I still don't know where Elijah is. I know Knightmare's tricked our son into joining him..."

I sighed, then said "I'm scared of what'll happen when our sons meet again. Matthew won't be able to convince his brother I'm alive... and even if he does, Elijah will think he purposely kept that truth from him."

As I continued to talk to Elizabeth's grave, Carnage lay waiting in the shadows of the nearby forest, gripping his knife with such anger and force it could destroy a mountain.

I've got you, bastard. I'll avenge my family... and I'll make your death the most painful and shameful death one can ever have.

Then, with a furious scream, Carnage charged at me from the left, holding his knife up to stab me from my shoulder to my heart.

Hearing him, I quickly turned around and punched him in the gut, causing him to fly through the dark oak house's back wall, obliterating it completely.

Before he could get up, I leapt towards him while yelling "You're not destroying this one too!"

What are you... no, he's just trying to fool you Carnage, Carnage thought.

After I repeatedly punched his chest a few times, he stabbed me in the hip with his knife, pulled me in to clash our heads, then kicked me in the gut, making me fly back.

As I flew back, I tried to control my trajectory so I wouldn't fly into the only remaining grave. But since I was so focused on avoiding the grave, Carnage managed to sink into the ground, reappear behind me, and throw me down.

I rolled out of the way when he attempted to plunge his knife into my back, then uppercutted him so hard he shot into the air; his body spinning backwards.

Then, two pink Knuman tendrils came out of Carnage's chest, connected to my chest, and pulled him to me, allowing him to grab my shoulders and slam my body into the ground behind me.

I knew I was right behind Elizabeth's grave at this point, so I punched Carnage's chest hard, sending him flying back before two of my tendrils wrapped around him, flung him into the air, then slammed him back onto the ground.

I was about to lunge at him, but a sudden surge of pain where Carnage stabbed me began to flourish. It was so painful I couldn't move; it was like my entire body was fighting to survive inside a chaotic blaze of fire.

Seeing I was stunned, Carnage transformed his knife into a spear; red electricity sparking around the knife as it transformed. He then threw it like a javelin, aiming for my heart.

Thankfully, just in time the pain subsided long enough for me to dodge the spear and grab it. I then snapped in half, though it took quite some effort to do so.

The spear's two ends quickly turned into a gas with a mixture of pitch-black darkness and bright-white light. The two gas ends went to Carnage before combining and reforming as a knife again in Carnage's grip.

"You may have fooled the others, but I know exactly who you are, Knightmare," Carnage yelled furiously as he transformed the knife into a mace, spun around, and swung it into my stomach.

Then, while a tendril impaled me through the chest from behind and Carnage, after transforming the mace back into a knife and stabbing my chest, he said "A monster! A coward! A diabolical, unloving, bastard who thought they could kill my family and get away with it!"

He then slammed my body through the tendril, took the knife out of my chest, and pulled it back to plunge it through my heart.

"This is for my wife," he yelled.

I knew what awaited me, so I closed my eyes and accepted what was gonna happen next... but it never happened. When Carnage didn't deal the finish blow, I opened my eyes again to see what happened.

I saw Carnage's eyes were focused on the right side of my neck, where my birthmark was. Eventually, he quickly got up, stepped back, and dropped the knife to the ground before falling to the ground himself, holding himself up by his hands and knees.

"No, no no no no. It can't be... you can't be...," Carnage said, his voice giving off many different emotions, but the most important were confusion and fear.

Carnage grabbed the knife again, and aimed it towards himself. I could tell he was trying with all his heart to stab himself with it... but he couldn't.

The pain from the stab wounds returned, causing me to pull my back to the ground, making me face the sky as I convulsed and screamed in pain.

Once the pain finally stopped, I sat up to see Carnage sinking into the ground slowly. The way his body sank... it looked like his it was crying itself into the earth, parts of him dripping off as he lowered and lowered.

After taking in everything, I stood up and thought What the hell just happened?

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