Chapter 9

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There should have been some evidence. Something to prove that things had changed. I couldn't find any. Not on my face and, after the hickeys had faded, not on my body. But I could feel it. Like something had filled up a space inside me and it expanded and contracted with my proximity to Black.

It was too ridiculous to share but I'd noticed Black giving me a strange look from time to time. Perhaps he knew. Or, when I was feeling sentimental, he felt the same way.

"We need to go," Black said to me out of the blue.

For him to suddenly lift my house arrest meant there was a new development. I was eager to find out what but I had to admit to a twinge of distrust. Black was inscrutable and that rarely bode well.

"Where?" I asked doubtfully but I was already out of my seat.

"I have something to show you," he answered cryptically.

I drove. I was finally well enough to do the job. Not that I would have before. I had staff for that. But other than a few essentials (the housekeeper and my personal secretary) Black had fired everyone else. It made sense with the changes that he'd made to my business profile but his involvement in my personal life had crossed a line. I still allowed it.

"Would you like to tell me where we're going?"

"The factory."

I was surprised to find it empty. There was only one guard at the gate. All the transport and distribution trucks were in the main parking lot. "What the hell...?"

"Wait..." he cautioned.

I drove to the loading zone. Black got out before me and looked around then signalled for me to join him. There was police tape over the door but he cut through it with a knife that materialized as if out of nowhere.

"I know you think I've been holding you captive in your house and, technically, you're right. This is why."

The place had been ransacked. Supply containers had been tipped; their contents spilt on the ground. Products lay on the floor instead of their usual neat stacks. It looked like someone had searched every inch of the factory.

"They were looking for drugs after Tawi was arrested."

"Who, the police?"

"No. They came after. It was all the guys who wanted to take over when you pulled out. Thinking they could grab anything before we sold it. The police showed up when they figured out you were cashing out."

"Did they get anything?" I asked looking around and upturning some of the barrels.

"No. But that didn't stop them from trying."

"Why keep me prisoner?"

"What would you have done? Would you have stood by and let those goons push you around?

"Of course not."

"And when the police showed up, would you have co-operated or would you have tried to bury them under the same red tape you used to get away with breaking the law."

"It's not like they have a right..."

"And when the guys figured they couldn't get your stuff? What would you do when they came after you?" Black interrupted.

I understood his point. But it was not his decision to make. One more example of him meddling in my life. Why did he feel the need to interfere when he could go about his life and leave me to mine?

"Is this why you were involved with the police? The one with a grudge?"

"Sort of. I needed everyone off our backs. Pitching them against each other was better than fighting them all. I just dropped the right hints in the right ears."

"We could have done this together. It wouldn't have been that complicated." I told him.

"But you were hurt."

"Whose fault was that?"

"Not the point."

"Educate me."

"I couldn't watch your back because I was too busy watching mine and you couldn't watch my back because you were out of commission. Shit, you still can't walk without a cane. What were you going to do if things went South?"

"You were protecting me?"

"Don't say it like it's something dirty. I can protect you if I want."

"It's just uncharacteristic of you, that's all," I said with a smile I had no business showing. "And now that I'm better?"

"It's done. Your interests are your own. You've been keeping track of most of the financial stuff from the comfort of your home. And we'll be able to salvage most of this once we're done with the clean-up. The rest...we'll figure out."

We. Us. Our. Did Black realize he was tying his fate to mine like our worlds were already conjoined? There was only one way to test it.

"There is one other thing."

"What?" He asked half irritated, half concerned. Was he that afraid he'd missed something? What kind of strain had he been living with in an attempt to safeguard my life...and our future?

"You've got to finish your degree. I don't care if it's just a piece of paper, it's a piece of paper you need to have."

I saw the smile before he turned away. "Yeah. I've been going to class for the past few weeks. Gram and White helped me catch up."

"Good. The world always needs one more lawyer," I said imitating his tone. I threw my arm around his shoulder and pulled him to me.

"Whatever," he said disgustedly. He carefully pulled my arm off his shoulder and gave me a pointed look that I pretended not to see.

He walked out of the warehouse. I followed slowly. Taking a last look at everything he'd shown me. It was the evidence I wanted. The evidence that he cared. I couldn't help smiling even wider now that I had my proof.

"You should take me for lunch," I told him when I caught up with him at the car.


"I think that's a good idea. It's only right that you should buy me a meal. That way I won't feel like such an easy lay."

"Have you lost your mind?" He asked. "I would be happy to knock some sense into you but I don't want to do any more damage now that you're healed. So, could you stop being an asshole and get in the car?"

"Is that any way to talk to your boyfriend?"

Black looked around in panic. "Don't you ever let anyone ever hear you say that."

I chuckled at his discomfort, "Don't be like that. You love me, don't you?"

I ducked just in time for the shoe he threw in my direction to miss. I don't know whether he was joking but with Black, it was best to assume he wasn't. I rushed to get into the back of the car while he retrieved his shoe. He noticed me and got into the driver's seat.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked.

I think I finally understood the phrase beaming with joy. It showed on my face.

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