Alliance with a General?

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It's been about two weeks since the fall of the Regime and the imprisonment of Superman, Damian and the rest. The world has been doing the best they can to get things back in order, and with their help they can. Danny left since he has a responsibility as King of all Ghosts, but said to call if he's needed. Right now Jaune was just getting out of the shower after training with the Titans at their tower and is now in just a towel when he sees Robin and Cyborg walk up to him.

Jaune: What's up guys?

Cyborg: Tim and I are heading to the Hall of Justice to check on our multiverse portal. Want to come with?

Jaune: Sure thing, just let me get my gear on and I'll meet you out front.

He's been living with the Titans for the two weeks and they welcomed him with open arms. His room is what one would say is an incredible room you could have.

After he got his gear on, he meets up with Robin and Cyborg in front of the tower and Cyborg teleported them to the Hall of Justice

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After he got his gear on, he meets up with Robin and Cyborg in front of the tower and Cyborg teleported them to the Hall of Justice. They head inside and go past the museum and into the main HQ away from the public. They see the multiverse portal with Batman with Dick and Kori.

Tim: What's going on guys?

Batman: We figures we'd show what the Multiverse looks like since you're still new to all this stuff on Earth.

Jaune: This whole thing does sound pretty interesting. Shall we start it up?

Batman is about to start the portal up, but  Cyborg started holding his head and screaming in pain.

Starfire: Victor, are you okay?!

Cyborg then looks at a wall and projects a hologram on a static screen with some black words showing and a voice saying the words.

Cyborg then looks at a wall and projects a hologram on a static screen with some black words showing and a voice saying the words

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???: You are not alone.

Robin feels a vibration in his pocket and looks to see the same message on his phone and on the monitors in the building.

Dick: This is coming in on all the monitors and computers.

Tim: And on my phone.

The words soon disappear and a figure is shown combined with the static and starts talking with no static audio.

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