1: your backstory

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y/n pov

it was another boring day. you had to get ready to go to school. it was 6.55am. you had to get ready for school early since you needed to take a bus to school. you could walk but you know how lazy you are and how energetic you were in the morning. in other words. far from energetic. your energy level was as dead as the battery on your laptop. and yes you totally forgot about your laptop. you had a part time job. to pay your rent and your living expenses and your school fees. why didn't your parents do it. it is because they don't exist. your parents got a divorce when you were 10. you left with your mum however she died when you were 14. yup just your luck. the minimum age you needed to be to get a part time job. your mum left you with her inheritance. $100,000. it's a lot isn't it. well, not really. you were planning to go to a university. and those fees were not pretty. you decided to save that money and just get a job to help get by. you were given the choice to stay with your father or with your cousin. there was no way in hell you were going to stay with that bastard. oh and who am I referring to. my father. a cheater. I wanted nothing to do with him so I my aunt signed that she will take care of me. which was the best thing that can happen to me. well, that's what you thought at first. someone is going to enter into your life but who??

just to let uk about their age and who her cousin is:
Kang y/n. 18.
cousin: Choi jiung. 18

check out my edits of my ffs at junhao_taetak_carat7 on TikTok!

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