14: crushes

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Theo pov:
She looks so cute in my clothes. I start smirking and I stared at y/n's eyes.

Jiung: why are u wearing his clothes.
Y/n: wonyoung poured milk on me and Theo gave me his clothes to wear.
Jiung: wonyoung again? What the f- is her problem. Why didn't you guys do anything?
Y/n: oh Theo helped. Nothing to worry about.
Jiung: ohh okay.

ring ring ring.

Theo: let's get to class. come on doll. or we'll be late.
he took y/n's hand and started running to their classroom/ lecture hall.
intak: my god. why does he keep running away with her.
Jiung: beats me.
The two of them start running after them.

ms Park: well hello boys. and y/n. why are u late?
Theo: well we loses track of time because someone created trouble for us.
Ms Park: what happened?
Intak: wonyoung poured milk on y/n.
y/n: (whispered) thanks intak.
ms Park: that's it wonyoung out of the lecture hall. the rest of u go to your seats.
all 4: thank you.
Ms Park: ohh and theo. Y/n. Please stop holding hands during my lesson. it's distracting.
Y/n's eyes widen and theo just smirked. he pulled her to the back of the lecture hall to sit behind the rest of their friends.
Y/n: let go theo.
Theo: no. sorry sweetie.
Y/n hits his thigh.
Theo: ow. he lets go of her hand.
y/n: thank you u baby.
Theo: that hurt uk.
Y/n: ohh I'm sorry. she placed her hand on his thigh. rubbing it.
theo smirks. Y/n adds pressure to it.
Theo: it hurts. He grabs her hand and moves it to intertwine their fingers.
y/n: whatever. I'm too tired for this.

Intak pov:
Jiung was sitting beside y/n. And he saw how the two of them were being touchy. He didn't know why he felt mad. So he decided to take a rest. He placed his head on y/n's shoulder. Getting comfortable.

Jiung: I'm tired. Let me rest would u?
Y/n: sleep well.
Jiung closes his eyes and slowly went to sleep.

intak was definitely jealous. two guys were being touchy with the girl he liked. He knew he had to do something. So he planned on going to have some fun sooner or later with y/n and the rest of them. As he thought it just being the two of them may make y/n feel uncomfortable as they aren't that close.

ms Park: the project will be 40% of your grade and it's about how u think relationships are like about love. You will have to watch movies, read poems or any other way that will help u to figure out about different love tropes and how they end up together. And what made them do so. Then create a essay on it. now I'll be calling the groups for this project.
group 1:
and the last two group since there isn't enough ppl in our class there will only be four ppl in each group.
That group will be.
And uhh and ohh y/n.

Intak smiles and looks over at y/n. His smile faded away slowly as he saw Theo hand holding her face.

Y/n pov:
Theo: looks like we're in the same group.
Y/n: don't smirk.
Theo smirks.
Theo: are ur heats heating up? Is it because im handsome? U did say it though
Y/n: yah!
Theo held y/n's face and said: ur cheeks are burning. You agree with me don't u.
Y/n: stop it. I'm just embarrassed.
She pulls Theo's hands away and just leans on the fast asleep jiung's head. Or so she thought.

Jiung: comfy??
Y/n: I thought you were sleeping.
Jiung: nope I woke up when I heard my name. Just didn't have the energy to do anything.
Y/n: Just didn't have the energy to do anything.
Jiung: haha
Y/n: since we were kids u did that.
Jiung: those were the times. Well at least now I'm handsome and tall just like I said I would be.

"when we grow up, I'll become Tall and handsome and I'll get a nice car which will be good to drive my girlfriend around."
"Tall and handsome?? are you sure? and why not a motorcycle?"
"motorcycles are dangerous, only bad guys use those."

y/n: I guess now all you're missing is a girlfriend and a car.
Jiung: who said I didn't have a car?
Y/n: you do?? why didn't I tell me?
Jiung: I was going to tell u when I finally get to have a girlfriend to drive around in.
Y/n: why don't u have a girlfriend? a lot of girls like u anyways.
Jiung: I like Someone and I'm just waiting for the right time you know.
Y/n: that's cute. tell me who she is
Jiung: nope.
y/n: what. just say it.
Jiung: nope. (Y/n knew he was stubborn so she didn't bother asking him.) do u like Someone?
He got up and looked at y/n. Theo and intak looked at y/n as well.
Y/n: idk. I don't think so.
Jiung: if u do like someone tell me. I'm your baby remember??
y/n: yea a rather dumb one.
Jiung: I feel hurt.
y/n: ohh lesson is over. She hit Theo's thigh and he shouted. Owww the same moment Jiung got up and said finally.
Ms Park: theo u like shouting don't u and Jiung is my lesson so boring that u want to get over and done with it so eagerly?? outside and wait for me while I dismiss my class. now go out first and don't u dare think about running away.
y/n: that's for holding my hand too long and for not telling me who u like.
Jiung and Theo walked out of the class.
Intak: killed two with one stone. nice.
Ms Park: class dismissed. And remember the project is due 6 weeks later.
Intak: let's go. he stretched out his hand for y/n to hold onto. She held it and they went out of the class.

intak's mind.
I finally get to hold my crushes hand again.

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