CHAPTER 1: Party

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It was another day at Akademi High School, but something was off...

Kokona POV:
As I was on the rooftop talking to my best friend Saki I suddenly realized that Ayano wasn't there with us, She would usually join in our conversation and talk with us until the bell rang. "Hey Saki where is Ayano?" I asked, Saki stopped talking and looked left to right and said "Oh yeah, where is Ayano?".

We agreed to split up and look for her around school, I looked outside of the building while Saki looked inside. As I was walking outside I spotted Budo, the leader of the Martial Arts Club, I asked him if he had seen Ayano anywhere.

"Actually that's the reason why I'm here, I'm looking for Ayano because the other members were concerned about where she was, they wanted to find her too but I insisted that they should keep practicing while I look for her" he said. "Hm" was all I could answer I was really woried about her.
"You should call her!" Budo said "Oh right good idea!" I said to him smiling joyfully

Ayano POV:

I didn't feel like going to school because I felt like it was pointless all I could feel was my aching heart, she thought to herself.


'Kokona is calling me?, I wonder why' she thought to her self as she picks up.
"Ayano where are youu?"
"I'm at home, why do you ask?"
"Because I was worried about you!"
"But why?"
"Because I'm your friend?!"
"Oh yes, well thank you for your concern"
"Mhm, Ayano can I ask, why aren't you in school?"
"... I don't really feel so good so I decided not to come today"
"Are you sick?"
"No I just don't feel well, mentally"
"Aww, I'll come to your house later is that okay with you?"
"Yes that would be okay with me"
"Great! I hope you feel better soon, Byee Ayano"
"Thank you, goodbye Kokona"

Kokona POV:
"Well, what did she say?" Budo asked
"she said she's not feeling well" "oh that's disappointing, she was supposed to spar with Sho today " said Budo. "Well I did say me and Saki are gonna visit her later maybe you can come?" "I'm not really close to her, I don't know if she'll be comfortable with me there" "Oh come on, you SHOULD be going! you're her leader you could say inspiring words to her, that'll probably make her feel better" "I do love inspiring people.." "See! you should definitely come" "Ok! I will" he said.


"Hey Saki!" "Hi Kokona!" "I called Ayano earlier and she said she wasn't feeling well" said Kokona "Aw that's sad, did she have a fever?" "No she said she wasn't feeling well mentally, maybe a family member died." "Oh wait! I actually heard that she got rejected by Taro last week, maybe that's why she's upset" "Ohh it probably is!, also Saki" "Yes?" "I asked if I could come to Ayanos house later she agreed! You should come with!" "Oh yes! I would love to visit Ayano" "Maybe we can bake treats for her!" said Kokona "Yeah, ooh maybe we should invite her other friends to? so it could be like a cheer up party for her!" "Omg yes!" Kokona said while having a wide smile. They both took each other's can and jumped happily.

While it was still lunch time they went around looking her Ayano's friends that could come with. When they went to the area of the Martial Arts Club, Budo said "Actually I'm not sure if we can come, we do have training today" Sho said "We can miss one day, plus it's for Ayano" the others agreed "Hate to say it but Sho is right it's for Ayano, she's been a great friend to us it's the least we could do" Mina said while Sho looked at her happily. "Ha! Finally you agreed on something I have said" Sho says while having a big grin "Oh shut up" said Mina.


"Ooh Ayano is gonna be so happy!" Kokona exclaimed "I hope so,we worked very hard to bake these treats!" said Saki. "Mmmm, what is that aroma!" Sho said, Mina hits Sho in the head "Stop being embarrassing" "Oww" Budo hits both their heads " You two stop fooling around, hello Saki and Kokona I'm sorry for my two members making a scene" "Oh it's fine!" said Saki "Where are the others?" Budo asked "They're waiting by the gate" said Kokona "She should get going" said Saki carrying a handful of treats "Let me help you with that" said Mina carrying some of the baked goods. "Let's get going!" Kokona said cheerfully




Ayano wakes up from loud knocking, she woke up from couch looking like a disaster her eyes puffy from all the crying, her hair looked like it was blown by the wind, it had tangles everywhere. She slowly opens the door and her eyes barely open as she opens the door she sees some her friends at the door, her eyes widen as she remembers that Kokona was coming but her face turned from to worried from forgetting to confused from realizing that it wasn't just Kokona.

"H-Hi" she said standing by the doorway was Kokona "Hi Ayano!" "May we come in?" Kokona asked "O-Oh y-yeah of course come in everyone, sorry that the house is a mess" "Whattt, what do you mean house spotless?! The pillows placed on the couch nicely the floor is clean, how is this mess?" Saki said, the agreed. Ayano felt something other than sadness she didn't know what. "I-I just feel like it could've been cleaner I-I guess" 'Why am I stuttering so much' she thought to her self while looking on the ground with an awkward smile. 'wait am I smilling?' "uh anyways I thought Kokona what the only one coming?" Ayano asked "

Well me and Saki thought that maybe we could throw you a Cheer Up party to make you feel better" Kokona said smiling sweetly to Ayano "Yeah even baked goodies so we can all eat!" Saki points her eyes to the goodies she was holding and nudges Ayano to look at Mina "T-thanks you guys" said Ayano while looking at everyone rubbing her elbow with her hand "You're welcome" said Saki "O-Oh right you guys can sit on the couch while I fetch chairs" She runs to their storage area and hurriedly searches for extra chairs the others could use.

Mina asks "where can I put this?" "Wait there I'll go look for Ayano and ask if she has a table we can use" said Kokona. "I'll go to, if she has a table I can help carry it" said Budo joyfully Kokona nodded. As the two look for Ayano the other just chatted, meanwhile while Ayano found extra chairs it was to heavy for her to carry them all. She went to the living room and asked if someone could help her carry some of the chairs "Sure I'll help you!" said Sho "Thank you" said Ayano. Kokona and Budo heard Ayano's voice and went to her when they saw Ayano they asked if she has a table "Yes I have a spare table, follow me"


The table was set and everyone was sitting comfortably on the chairs, and so the party began. But first Ayano excused herself to clean up a bit. They first started play games, they watched a movie from the TV, and ate. As they were eating Midori said "Hey Ayano can I ask you something?" "Yes of course" "Why were you not feeling good earlier this morning?" Ayano paused for a minute "I-its okay if you don't feel comfortable a-answering"

"No it's fine" there was a short pause, everyone was looking at Ayano while they were eating interested on what she was gonna say. "I guess because.. because I'm lonely" she lied, Ayano didn't want to say what was the actual cause for her sadness. "Oh, well don't worry we're here for you!" said Mina. The others agreed they all comforted Ayano and reasured her that she was not alone. Ayano smiled as tears rolled down her face. "Thank you everyone she said while crying"

When the party ended Ayano thank them all once again and said goodbye to each and one of them. But she felt empty again, then when she closed the door a few minutes later she heard a knock. When she opened the door it was Info-Chan! she was surprised by her sudden visitation

"May I come in?" Info-Chan asked "Y-yeah go ahead" said Ayano. "I see you had a good time" "Yeah" "I'm sorry to hear that your Senpai rejected you" "It's okay it wasn't your fault" "Anyways I hope we can still be partners, I hope that you can complete tasks that I ask of you" said Info-Chan "Hm maybe" Info-Chan looked straight to Ayano's eyes giving her a serious look "I know that you don't have a goal but you could still need me in the future for other events." "Okay" was all Ayano could say. "I'll be going now, good bye Ayano Aishi" "Goodbye Info-Chan"

After Info-Chan left Ayano went up to her bed and layed there thinking of all that had happen that day. Her friends visited her and, Info-Chan visited her. She felt... happiness that didn't come from Senpai or anything revolving Senpai, she felt normal.


'What could that be?' Ayano slowly grabs her phone an opens it. "A message from Budo Masuta?, I wonder what he wants. "

"Hey Ayano! I forgot to say my motivational quote I prepared for you! So here it is"


"Thank you Budo :)"

"You're welcome!"

As she closed her phone she smiled and drifted of to sleep.

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