CHAPTER 3: Inconvenience

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While Ayano was walking to school she got a message, she took out her phone to check and saw that Info-Chan messaged her.

"Hi there partner, I noticed that you didn't do the bounty yesterday. You usually did it so what's the reason you didn't do it? "

"Hello Info-Chan, I just forgot to do so"

"Okay then, by the way I still need you to set the bugs on some areas of the school. "

"Don't forget that."

"Don't worry I won't."

While checking if Info-Chan would say anything else Ayano accidentally bumbed into the back of Budo, causing her to drop to floor. Her phone fell to the ground breaking "NO!" she screamed when she saw it. Budo turned his back when Ayano accidentally bumbed into him and lended her a hand, the other members noticed that Ayano accidentally bumped into him and felt bad when they saw her phone break. She looked at Budo with sad eyes and took his hand, she took her phone and said "I'm sorry for bumping into you!" while bowing. "It's okay really" he said. Ayano sighed and walked away, not even bothering to wave to the other members. She walked to the rooftop to talk with Kokona and Saki but they weren't there Ayano sighed saddened that her phone broke and she can't contact her friends, then she thought maybe they are in the cooking club maybe Saki was baking stuff. Ayano went down the stairs and went to the cooking club but when she went in they weren't there, one of the members Shoku Tsuburaya asked Ayano if she needed anything she shook her head and walked away, she was sad that she didn't see two of her friends yesterday and she isn't seeing them today.

She decided to go to the Martial Arts Room and decided to practice with everyone else.


Ayano decided to set bugs around the school like Info-Chan told her to do. When she was down she went to the rooftop to check if Kokona or Saki was there but no sign of them, she ate lunch and had the idea of asking her other friends if they had seen Kokona and Saki. Ayano went to Midori and Mai she asked them if they saw them "No I haven't seen them sorry" "No I haven't seen them, good luck on finding them Aya!" "oh okay then Midori thank you, wait.. Aya?" "Yeah Aya I figured it would be a cute nickname" "Oh okay then, well goodbye Midori and Mai" she waved goodbye to her friends, 'Where are they?' she began to worry. The bell rang and she hurriedly went to her class, she couldn't focus on what the teacher was teaching and kept thinking about Saki and Kokona worrying if they are hurt.


Before heading to the Martial Arts Club Ayano first when to check the Cooking Club and the Drama club but neither Kokona or Saki were there, she went to the rooftop again but they were no where to be seen. After giving up Ayano walks to the Martial Arts Club Room and participates in the activities.

When it was time to go home Budo offered to walk Ayano again "What's your reasoning?" she asked Budo just smiled and said "Well you looked sad when you were walking to the club so I thought maybe you could need someone to talk to while walking to school" Ayano smiled at Budo and said "Thank you Budo" this became their daily routine.

While walking home Ayano asked if Budo had seen Kokona or Saki he shook his head Ayano was really worried, Budo noticed "Why do you ask?" Budo asked concerned "Well I haven't seen them yesterday and today, since my phone broke I couldn't message them, I hope they are online later" "Is that why you were upset?" Ayano hesitated to answer but she responded yes "Don't worry I'm sure they're fine" "Yeah they probably are" Ayano respond feeling better. "Well this is my house, are you sure you don't want to have a cup of tea? we walked for a pretty long time" "Nope I'm fine, thank you for the offer" "okay then" "bye Ayano" "bye Budo" they both smiled and waved to one another.

7:00 PM

After finishing her homework Ayano went to her computer and checked if Kokona and Saki were online to her surprise they were online 'oh thank goodness' she went ahead and messaged them

"Hey Kokona!"

After awhile she got bored waiting for a response she decided to message Saki

"Hi Saki!"

About an hour later she became worried again.

'I'll just message my Yancord friend while waiting'

When her friend had to go Ayano checked if either of them had responded yet 'no response, maybe they are sick?'

She decided that she'll just go to sleep.

~Oh Ayanooo, where are you?

Ayano's heart beating so fast it was like she ran a marathon, when she looked around she saw nothing but an empty black void. Then suddenly a face appeared right in front of Ayano it was the face Kizana with a stab wound on her forehead she was all bloody her face looked as terrified as the time Ayano killed her, While Ayano was panicking other faces appeared as well it was all the people she had killed it wasn't alot since she matchmade the others. Ayano was terrified then the ground below her started to shake then she saw herself in the rooftop near Kokona and Saki she went near them but them noticed something was wrong there eyes avoiding her when she went close, when Ayano grabbed Sakis hand Saki's face was horrified Saki screamed and Kokona was saying something along the lines of HELP THE FREAK IS HURTING SAKI, HELP US Ayano was scared when she let go of Saki's hand she noticed it was bleeding then Saki's and Kokona's started to distort both Saki and Kokona started to say WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID over and over again Ayano's knees drop to the floor and she tried to cover her ears with her hands but the words they were chanting started becoming louder and louder and louder

Then Ayano jolted awake sweating, and breathing heavily.

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