Chapter 12

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6:00 AM

Budo woke up from his alarm clock ringing, he immediately opened his eyes and turned off his alarm clock that was sitting on top of the nightstand, that was next to his bed. After turning off the alarm clock he gets up from bed and starts to stretch his body before doing his daily exercise session. He was extra energetic today since he will be meeting up with his best friend Sho.


He stops exercising and changes his clothes, he dumps his sweaty clothes onto a basket that was at the corner of his room. After changing he speed walks downstairs to his kitchen and prepare his breakfast. He has been preparing his own breakfast for about a month now because his parents are in a different country for work purposes, at first he was sad but he slowly became okay with it, although he and his parents don't really get a chance to interact with one another from video calling because of the time zones and them being busy, it saddens him that they can't interact but he always shrugs it off, it's not like they ever got along anyways so it wouldn't be too different if they were still home.

After a few minutes he finally finished cooking his breakfast, he had rice with fried fish.

7:20 AM

He washes his dishes and the other tools he used to cook. When he was done washing them he went to the bathroom and showered, after bathing he went to his room with very wet hair and a towel on his waist, as he walked towards his room water dripped down from his hair every step he took.

When he got in his room he took off the towel that was wrapped on his waist and used it to dry his hair, after trying to dry his hair with the towel he decided to dress up, after dressing up he hurriedly grabs his phone from a desk in his room and quickly goes down to his living room and put on shoes that was next to his door. He wore a green polo shirt, white pants, brown belt and dark brown shoes.

Before leaving his home he looked at his phone to check if he had any messages, there was none

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Before leaving his home he looked at his phone to check if he had any messages, there was none. He took his red colored bike that was hiding under the bushes, and rode towards a ramen store that he and Sho always go too.


Budo finally got to his and Shos' favorite Ramen Store, he was out of breath when getting down off his bike, he put his bike by the parking space. It took him a few seconds before going inside because he was still tired from biking from his home to where he was, after a few he finally went inside. He looked inside and saw Sho in their usual spot doing something on his phone,  he sat down beside Sho, when Sho looked up from his phone he immediately closed his phone and spoke to Budo.

Sho: Dude! What took you so long?

Budo: Sorry sorry, I biked here so it took me a while. Oh by the way have you ordered yet?

Sho: Ofcourse I have

Budo: Okay then

Sho: So, while we wait, I want to know more about you and Ayano.

Karma Awaits (BudoxAyano)Where stories live. Discover now