Ch 1: Moving to Forks

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Phoenix Halliwell was in her bedroom packing the last of her things that she would be taking with her to Forks, Washington where she would be living with her Uncle Charlie and her cousin Isabella.  Isabella and Phoenix use to be close when she and Charlie would stay with her and her sisters but that stopped three years ago.  And when Phoenix and her sisters came into their powers, Isabella stopped talking to Phoenix.

Unlike her sisters who had one power that would grow, Phoenix on the other hand had more than one power.   She possessed all of her sister's gifts, including Prue's power of telekinesis, which surprised the sisters.  And when Phoenix started showing the ability to orb, like Paige, the sisters knew she was special.

As Phoenix packed her copy of the Book of Shadows and protection crystals when there was a knock on her bedroom door.  Turning to see who it was, Phoenix saw that it was her three older sisters.  Phoenix turned to see her older sisters standing there, smiling at the youngest Halliwell.

"Hey Nix, you almost ready," Paige asked her younger sister.

Paige and Phoenix were full sisters, both having the same parents while Piper and Phoebe were their older half-sisters. Paige and Phoenix were always close since the couple that adopted Paige had also adopted Phoenix, and after they died Paige had gotten her act together and raised her sister.

"Yeah, I just finished packing everything," Phoenix said.

"We're going to miss having you here, Nix," Piper said as she smiled at her younger sister.

"I'm going to miss you guys too, but I want to see Uncle Charlie," Phoenix said as she smiled at her sisters.

"You know Isabella's going to be there," Phoebe says with a tight-lipped smile.

Phoenix rolled her eyes.  The last time Phoenix saw Isabella the two cousins got into an argument about how she treated her father. Sometime during the argument at some point Isabella called Phoenix a bastard child. And that comment caused Phoenix to punch Isabella in the face, giving her a black eye and ending their little friendship.

"I'm just going to ignore Isabella and enjoy my time with Uncle Charlie before coming back here after graduating," Phoenix said as she crossed her arms over her gifted chest.

"Well, just be careful and if you need us just call for Paige or Leo," Piper said as she pulled her sister in for a hug.

"Same goes for you guys. Leo's help me get down my orbing so I can come to visit you guys often," Phoenix said as she hugged Phoebe.

"You just be careful okay," Phoebe said.

"I will, that's why I'm having Paige orb me to the airport where Uncle Charlie is picking me up along with Isabella," Phoenix said.

"Well, we need to get going Nixy if you don't want to be late for Uncle Charlie," Paige said as she picked up one of Phoenix's bags.

"Okay," Phoenix said as she hugged her older sisters one more time before picking up her last two bags.

Paige took hold of her sister's hand before orbing them into an empty woman's bathroom. Paige quickly hugged her sister before handing her her bag and then orbing back home to the Halliwell Manner.

  Paige quickly hugged her sister before handing her her bag and then orbing back home to the Halliwell Manner

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***Cullen's House***

The Cullen coven had been in Forks now for two years. There is Carlisle and his mate Esme, Rosalie and her mate Jackson, and Alice and her mate Thomas, but there were three coven members who have yet to find their mates: Edward and Emmett Cullen along with Rosalie's "twin", Jasper Hale. When Alice met Jasper in 1948, she had told him that if he joined her then the two of them would meet their mates but also that he would be sharing her with another member of the vegetarian vampire coven that the pair had been looking for. It was the promise of finding his forever that prompted Jasper to join the mates and in 1950, they met the Cullens and Jasper met the bear of a man Emmett Cullen who he would be sharing a mate with a member of that coven.

It was this one afternoon the pixy vampire was even more excited than usual. In the last year since Alice stared to see Emmett's and Jasper's mate clearer did she start changing the furniture in their bedrooms. Both brothers didn't complain since they knew the reason why Alice was doing what she was doing because of a vision she had. All of a sudden Alice was pulled into a vision.

***Vision Starts***

Emmett and Jasper were waiting for school to start with the rest of their siblings when a teal  1967 Ford Mustang pulled in across the parking lot. Everyone's eyes were on the blonde hair orange-eyed beauty. When she noticed that all eyes were on her, she rolled her eyes when an ugly orange truck pulled in next to the Ford Mustang and an average brunette exited the car. The blonde shook her head before walking into the school causing Emmett and Jasper to let out a low growl.

  The blonde shook her head before walking into the school causing Emmett and Jasper to let out a low growl

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"Mine," the two brothers growled.

Jackson couldn't help but laugh at his brother and Jasper. All of the Cullens could feel that the blonde wasn't exactly human. The vision changed when the Cullens entered the cafeteria where they heard the plane brunette asking about the Cullen family only for Jessica Stanly to tell her. But when the blonde entered the cafeteria all eyes turned on her causing the brunette to scoff at the sight of the girl.

It then changed to where Emmett and Jasper meet the blonde in their last class and they get along right away. The vision changes to the brunette "being" with Edward but something doesn't feel right. It then shows the blonde walking in a white wedding dress toward Emmett, Jasper, and two blurry fingers before showing Alice the impossible.

***Vision Ends***

"Alice, what did you see," Thomas asked his mate.

"She's here, Emmett's and Jasper's mate just arrived. She's beautiful but she also has a secret," Alice said.

"When will we meet her, Alice," Emmett asked, excited to finally meet his mate.

"Tomorrow, she starts her junior year, but there's something else. Edward will be meeting his blood singer," Alice said as she smiled slightly at her brother.

Edward sighed as he rubbed his face for having seen Alice's vision.  He knew that it was going to be hard being around his blood singer, and he just hoped that she wouldn't bring trouble to him and his family.  Rose smiled at Emmett who is her best friend, all she wanted was for him to be happy ever since she found him and his brother while hunting.

Esme looked up at her mate before looking at two of her sons who have been alone for a long time. She hoped that the girl who is to be their mate accept them for who they are. What the coven didn't know is that the blonde was more than just human, and she would be the one to make their family feel whole.

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