Ch 6: Car Accident and Hospital Visit

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It was now a new week and Phoenix was standing in Jasper's arms when a silver Volvo parked next to Emmett's Jeep.  When Phoenix saw who it was she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Well, I see you're back," Phoenix snapped at him.  "I hope you had a nice vacation because it's been Hell all last week with Isabella constantly staring at your family looking for your sorry ass and her nonstop questions."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make her suspicious," Edward said.

"You better fix this then," Phoenix said before she took Jasper's hand and pulled him to their first class, Emmett close behind his mate.

Morning classes seemed to drag for Phoenix.  It was finally time for lunch, but Phoenix didn't want to deal with her cousin's staring.  Over the weekend, Phoenix tried to find a spell or potion that she could give the Cullens so they appear more human.  So far she found nothing. Sitting in the seat Jasper pulled out for his mate, Phoenix sighed as she put her head on the table.

"Darling, what's bothering you," Jasper asked as he sat to the right of his mate and Emmett took the spot to her left.

"Just tired Jazz. Isabella kept me awake last night with her pep talk that she plans on having with Edward," Phoenix replied.

What Phoenix didn't tell her mates or the others is that she had orbed back home to help vanquish a demon using the Power of Four. When the demon exploded, he sent a small shock wave that threw the sisters back from him and Phoenix ended up going through a wall. Leo had healed her injuries but said she'd be sore for a while. Emmett and Jasper looked at one another before looking back at their mate.

"She has a staring problem," Rose said, causing everyone to look over to see that Isabella was indeed staring at them.

Phoenix shook her head before standing up from her seat, grabbed her bag, and left the cafeteria without saying a word. Emmett and Jasper looked at one another before following after their mate. Both knew that Phoenix was keeping something from them but at the same time they also were hiding something from her. Emmett and Jasper caught up to their mate as she leaned against her locker, eyes closed trying to calm her anger.

"Darling, what's bothering you," Jasper asked as he placed his hand on her cheek.

Opening her eyes and looking at Jasper, Phoenix let out a sigh.

"Nothing Jazz, just annoyed with Bella," the Halliwell witch replied as she leaned into her mate more.

Jasper wrapped his arms tighter around his mate while Emmett came up behind her and hugged his mate as well. Both boys had Phoenix sandwiched between them as they held onto her, trying to keep her calm.  Emmett and Jasper didn't like that their mate was stressed out over her cousin's behavior.

Emmett and Jasper contemplated on if they just should ditch so they could take their mate back to their house to rest. However, Phoenix slightly pulled from Jasper's chest so she can look into his eyes.

"Let's go to class so today can end soon," Phoenix said.

"Okay beautiful," Emmett said.

Emmett pulled from the embrace and took her hand as Jasper kept his arm around her shoulders. What the three mates didn't see is that they were being watched by a jealous human.  For the remainder of the day Emmett, Jasper, and Phoenix would catch Isabella watching them.  Phoenix was getting annoyed with her cousin and just wanted to send her to the Underworld or to the center of a volcano

"I swear she's going to get her ass beat if she doesn't stop her starring," Phoenix said as Emmett held her to his chest trying to calm her down.

Jasper stood next to his mate and brother, sending soothing waves of comfort to her as he rubbed circles on her back. Phoenix knew that as soon as Bella saw Edward in biology she would try and get answers.

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