Ch 2: Arriving in Forks

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Taking a deep breath Phoenix, tightened her hold on her bags before walking out of the empty bathroom to find her Uncle Charlie. Not five minutes after leaving the bathroom, Phoenix saw her favorite person, other than her sisters. Walking faster to her Uncle, Phoenix couldn't help but smile. However, at the same time as she reached her uncle, so did her cousin.

"Hey,," Isabella said as she hugged her dad awkwardly.

"Hey, Bells," Charlie said as he returned the awkward hug.

"So," Isabella said as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "Are we going to get going or what?"

"We will," Charlie said as he looked around. "Just as soon as your cousin gets here."

Isabella looked at her dad in confusion but when she turned around she saw who her father was talking about. Standing just behind her was the one person Isabella hated the most, Phoenix Halliwell.

"I'm right here Uncle Charlie," Phoenix said as she made her around her cousin to hug her uncle.

"Hey little Nixy, how's my favorite niece," Charlie said as he gave her a huge unawkward hug.

"Let's get going, I can't wait to catch up," Charlie said, as he took one of each of the girl's bags.

Charlie led the girls to his cruiser talking to Phoenix about how things were in California. Isabella trailing behind the duo just glaring at the back of Phoenix's head. As if she knew what Isabella was doing, the young Halliwell witch turned around and glared at her cousin causing Isabella to take an extra step back.  When the trio reaches the cruiser, Isabella pushes past Phoenix, knocking her shoulder hard, to get into the passenger seat before Phoenix did. Both Charlie and Phoenix looked at one another before putting the bags into the trunk and getting into the car themselves.

The drive back to Forks thankfully wasn't full of awkward silence. Charlie and Isabella knew that Phoenix is a witch and she has powers but the only powers that she has at the moment are telekinesis, molecular immobility (stop/slows time), premonitions, and orbing (her white lighter ability). Phoenix was telling Charlie that he should visit San Francisco soon to see her sisters. Isabella continued to glare at her cousin as they reached Charlie's house. 

After Charlie parked the car outside the house Isabella quickly got out of the car and made her way into the house. Phoenix gave her uncle a sympathetic look before helping him get the remaining bags out of the car.  As the duo walked into the house they noticed Isabella waiting just inside for her dad. Charlie led the girls up the stairs stopping at Isabella's room first.

"I cleaned some shelves off in the bathroom," Charlie said as they reached the second floor.

"Oh right one bathroom," Isabella grumbled causing Phoenix to roll her eyes.

"Well, actually Phoenix has her own bathroom attached to her bedroom in the attic," Charlie said as he put his hand on the back of his neck.

"What, that's unfair," Isabella said angrily as she glared at Phoenix.

"For your information, Isabella, I was the one who sent Uncle Charlie the money to have it installed. So get over yourself," Phoenix said as she glared at her cousin.

Isabella scoffed before going into her room and slamming the door in their faces. Charlie gave Phoenix a small smile before leading her to a closed door that led to the attic. Opening the door Charlie let Phoenix go ahead of him. When Phoenix reached the top of the stairs she saw that the attic was spacious.

There was a large bed against one wall facing a large skylight window. To her right was a large closet and next to that was a spot for her witchcraft items. Across the room was another door that led to her personal bathroom. Phoenix turned to see that Charlie was now standing next to her.

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