POV: You Give My OCs A Plush

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I came up with it in school :)

I didn't write for all- I decided to do the ones with unique responses/the first to say a certain type of response-

Except Lynne- can't do it without her, right?

Addison- She'll take it, and study it later so she could use it for possible future experiments.

Alistair- He will ask you what it is.

Amaris- "I haven't had someone give me a gift in a while. Thanks,"

Anita- "Thanks, bestieee!-"

Anya- "Thanks, I guess?" A few days later, you will see her decapitating it for fun.

Aspen- He'll be touched you gave him something, but he's wondering whether he deserves it.

Belladonna- "Thank you, darling. It's lovely,"

Billy- He will thank you gleefully and immediately start playing with it and hugging it.

Charlotte- "Thanks! You didn't really have to get me something, but I appreciate it,"

Cirdan- "Uh- thanks, I guess,"

Cinnamon- "YAYYAAYAYYAAYAYAYAY" He will then coat the plush in a fresh coat of ground-up cinnamon.

Crimson- "Thank…you. It's nice you got me a gift." But he's actually wondering what he should do with it.

Dominic- "This won't fetch much money. But thanks, I suppose. What did I do that made you want to give this to me, again?"

Dorothy- They'll cry and hug the plush tightly. But they'd also ask you if you gave it to them genuinely. If yes, they will tearfully thank you. If not, they'd force you to take it back.


Eyra- "Thank you so much, reader! I love this!" She says this while looking directly at you.

Florence "A fine new tool to practice my claws on." And she'd rip it to pieces.

Gabriel- Silence, but he still will accept it.

Gilda- "...Do I need it? I'm not a kid, you know."

Glee- She will give a nod and take it.

Hate- "...Why."

Hazel- She will thank you happily, and being a lil (non-anthropomorphic) animal herself, she will snuggle up with the plush.

Hind- She will thank you and promise not to burn it down.


Hot- "...I'm hotter than that plush UnU"

James- "I don't really play with toys…but thanks."

Julia- She will play with it for a bit, then she'll show Oliver.

Lynne- "Thanks for the gift! It's adorable!"

Oliver- He'll get quite excited, and will run to share it with Julia.

Revenant- "Is this a joke…?!"

Xylona- She'll bite it all the time to the point it's in shreds within a day.

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