Is she better than me?

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Requested by: soobinluvrs

Ship: Yeonbin
Genre: Angst/fluff(afterwards)


"Where were you...?" 

"Hm? Oh was just hanging out with my friend." The older answered with a smile as he removed his shoes.

Soobin gulped internally. "W-which friend?"

Yeonjun raised one eyebrow and walked towards their kitchen to get water after removing his shoes. 

"Why do you wanna know?" Yeonjun asked confused as he took out a bottle of water from the fridge and opened it.

"Can't I know...?" Soobin asked timidly as he caressed his own hand nervously. Yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows at him suspiciously.

"Uh... it was just Hyerin?" Yeonjun replied and drank the water. Soobin widened his eyes slightly and balled his hands into fists as he stared at Yeonjun with a sharp gaze. Once the older stopped drinking, he looked over at Soobin confused.

"Baby you okay?"

"Don't call me that..." 


Soobin sighed frustratedly. "I-I'll just get to the point..."

Yeonjun then closed the cap and placed the bottle aside before walking closer to Soobin and grabbed his waist, pulling him close. But Soobin was quick to pull back causing Yeonjun to feel surprised from the younger's actions.

"Binnie? What's wrong?"

Soobin bit his lower lip and looked down, debating whether or not to tell Yeonjun the problem.


Soobin shot his head up startling the older.

"Why do you keep hanging out with Hyerin?" Soobin asked shakily as his fists trembled from how hard he was digging his nails into his palms.

Yeonjun frowned. "What do you mean Soobin?"

"Can you stop hanging out with her so much?" 

"Wha- Soobin what are you saying? Why do I have to stop hanging out with her?" Yeonjun asked slightly getting furious.


"She's my fucking best friend for fuck sakes Soobin!" Yeonjun yelled, causing Soobin to flinch as his lips trembled. 

"B-but you two are too close..." Soobin said softly as he bit his lower lip hard to stop himself from crying in front of Yeonjun.

Yeonjun groaned out as he ruffled his hair frustrated and looked at Soobin with an angry gaze. 

"Not this again Choi Soobin. Why do you keep bringing this up?! Do you not trust me?!" Yeonjun shouted angrily. 

Soobin was clearly shaken up but he tried to remain calm. 

"I-I trust you... but it's too much for me hyung.. you have to understand me-"

"No! Jesus christ just- Soobin... YOU have to understand me. You know how a best friend relationship works." Yeonjun said sternly. 

Soobin breathed in and out shakily. 

"Hyung I do understand you! You're the one who needs to understand me! You know how I feel with you being THIS close to your fucking friend who is a fucking girl!" Soobin lashed out startling the older as he had never seen Soobin this frustrated and mad. Yeonjun scoffed and walked closer to Soobin, towering the younger as Soobin stared up with glistening eyes.

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