The real game

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Requested by: Choi_Yoon_Jeong

Ship: Taegyukai

Top: Taehyun
Switch: Kai
Bottom: Beomgyu

A smut chapter~


"Good evening everyone, it's your pilot speaking. We will be taking off now so please make sure your seatbelts are tightened, please turn on your airplane mode and bags are to be placed under the seat or in the cabinet. Thank you."

Sounds of rustling could be heard around the airplane. Seatbelts clicking, bags rustling sounds as they were placed into the cabinet or under the seat. Children crying and screaming at the back of the airplane. 

Luckily Beomgyu and his boyfriends are sitting at the front, or else they have to suffer hearing children crying and screaming for long hours. 

After a while, the airplane was moving. Beomgyu looked out the window to see the plane turning. He could hear the airplane engines as the whole airplane became quieter. 

"What you looking at?" Taehyun asked and held Beomgyu's hand. The older looked at Taehyun and smiled. 

"Nothing just looking out the window." Beomgyu answered and looked back out of the window. Kai noticed and blocks Beomgyu's view since Kai has the window seat. 

Beomgyu frowned and whined causing his two boyfriends to laugh softly. 

"Shh- don't be too loud Beommie." Kai said and sat back letting Beomgyu look outside. 

"I'm not loud.." Beomgyu said with a pout as he felt the plane going faster.

"Pfft alright- sorry baby." Kai said and took out his book then flipped to his page in the book and starts reading. Taehyun pecked Beomgyu's cheek and the older looks at the younger.

"Hm?" Beomgyu asked confused. 

"Nothing... you just look gorgeous." Taehyun complimented causing Beomgyu to blush shyly.

"Shush.. don't say it too loud." Beomgyu said with a small voice and tightened his and Taehyun's intertwined hands. Taehyun smiled as he stared at his beautiful boyfriend who is looking out the window.


Beomgyu sighed and looked around. He was bored and it was just an hour since the plane took off. He then unbuckled his seatbelt and stretched a little before looking at his boyfriends who were minding their own business.

Beomgyu pouted and tried to think of what he can do. He tried everything he could think of.

Using his phone for god 45 minutes...

Reading a few pages book...

Listening to music for 30 minutes

Trying to sleep by closing his eyes... but of course that didn't work.

Yes that was all the ideas Beomgyu could think of and unfortunately he isn't entertained at all. Beomgyu huffed and all of a sudden a brilliant idea came up. He gasped internally and looked at his oblivious boyfriends with a mischievous grin. 

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