favorite crime

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*Wednesday POV*
I went straight to Enid and told her everything. I was angry, I was hurt, I was sad. He's a liar, I've seen it myself, he's the Hyde. I hope I'm his favorite crime. I want him to always remember how he betrayed me. My vision has to be right, I wish I could talk to someone who also has the visions. I know I could talk to my mom, but do I really want her to know I'm in love? With a boy? Who works in a coffee shop? I do not think so. So I want to talk to someone who also has visions but is not my mother. How am I supposed to find someone like that?

Enid: "But... what if he's not the Hyde? I'm just saying, otherwise he might just admit it. What does he has to lose?"
Wednesday: "No. My vision does not deceive me. Now it all makes sense, why would a person be so nice to me, treat me so well, really get to know me and make me by far the coolest date ever. No one would be that nice to me, I was just blinded."

I wasn't sad when I said that. At first I thought it would hurt me more. But what have I lost? I never wanted to end up like this, with a man, with kids, uh. No thanks. I'm better off that way, now I just have to keep him from getting worse. I've learned that every Hyde has a leader, now I need to find out who it might be. But how? Could my visions also tell me that?
Just as I was about to go to bed, a new vision came. It showed someone, I couldn't identify the person. The Person was tied up with chains. I heard a scream. When I came back to reality, Enid held me in her arms. Just like Tyler always did.
I shook my head to clear my head and told her about the vision.

Enid: Mhh, chained? But that could also be Xavier.
Wednesday: "No, I actually only get the visions when the person is around, I figured that out since Tyler was always near me, I got Visions.
Enid: "And maybe Xavier was around too? Besides that, Tyler isn't even here."
Wednesday: "Sometimes Xavier was also there, but not by the kiss in the café. He was already in prison by then. I know I still have to find out what's behind it. But the only thing that makes sense right now, is that Tyler is the Hyde."

Enid nodded and quietly lay down in her bed. I know she wishes Tyler wasn't Hyde. She hopes it for me. But no matter how much you want something, it can't all be the way you want it to be. Thing looked at me questioningly, I said: "No. not you too Tyler is the Hyde. Stop trying to give me Hope."
Thing turned away and remained calm. I lay down on my bed and tried to sleep. But it was impossible. I checked on Enid, she was asleep. I got up and went to the crystal ball my parents had given me. It's the middle of the night, but maybe I can reach them. I need to talk to my mother, I didn't want to, but it's bothering me. i need answers
In fact, my mother was still awake, she asked what was going on. I just started telling her everything.

Wednesday: "Okay. It's all sudden now. Well I met a boy, his name is Tyler. Don't say anything, I know I always said I'm not like you. But it was so great, he treated me so well, he always told me I was beautiful, he arranged me the perfect date, he did really trying to get to know me and he knows me like no one else, I've had visions of a "hyde" before, I thought it was Xavier, a boy from my school, but when I kissed tyler I had a vision again. The Vision showed him as Hyde. I ran away immediately. Although he says he is not Hyde and I should trust him, but how could I? The vision only shows truths, doesn't it mom?
Morticia: That's not so easy to say, dear. Visions can also deceive you for a variety of reasons. But just because your vision showed this to be Tyler as the Hyde doesn't mean it's directly correct. I've always believed in my visions, but you forget, like I did then, that we can only be sure when we see it with our own eyes."
Wednesday: "But they only came when he was there. Xavier was there sometimes, but definitely not when we kissed.
Morticia: "Maybe there's something you're not noticing. Go back to that Xavier, talk to him, maybe it's him. Or maybe there is someone else entirely, someone you haven't really noticed yet. I hope it isn't Tyler.
But remember, visions are there for you to grow from. They can lead you down the wrong path for a reason. Maybe they're meant to help you grow, or maybe they're saving you from something worse.
Wednesday: "Thanks mom, good night."

When she was gone, I checked the clock. It was 4 am, even though I only had three hours of sleep left, I decided to get every sleep I could. Maybe I can think better after some sleep.

*Tyler's Pov*
  I stood in this hut in total shock, I couldn't move for five minutes. As I processed what just happened, I made my way home. By now it was already dark and I could already feel my father reproaching me for being away for so long without telling him, because it's so dangerous out there. I didn't feel good at all, felt kind of empty. I often tried to call the number Wednesday gave me at the time, when she wanted to get out of her and I was her driver. I might have been blocked, very likely, but I didn't want to give up hope. I just keep calling and keep hoping for a reply. I kept thinking about our kiss, then how she wanted to torture me an hour ago. My feelings are going crazy. When I got home I was greeted by my father as expected, but not in a friendly way.

Sheriff Galpin: "Where have you been all day after work? It's still dangerous out there, who knows if there will be more of those monsters."
Tyler: Yeah, what if? What would happen if I got killed? Oh no, how bad would that be if you didn't have anyone to talk to anymore. Oh no wait, you're not talking to me anyway. So why do you care? "
Sheriff Galpin: "You're still my son, Tyler. Of course I care."

My father was about to leave when I cleared my throat. I asked if Xavier had meanwhile been seen as Hyde, he shook his head.

Sheriff Galpin: "No, I'm not sure if your little friend was telling the truth. But we'll wait and see if there will be more attacks. If not, he must be Hyde."
Tyler: "Wednesday told me that a Hyde has a leader who controls it. We need to find whoever the leader is."

My father just nodded and then went into the kitchen. I wasn't hungry and just made my way to my room. I thought, surprisingly, of Wednesday. Maybe I should visit Xavier myself and talk to him. But how? He hates me anyway, and if he really was the Hyde, he wouldn't just say, "Yeah, it's me. Wednesday can be with you, she has nothing to worry about. She can trust you."
I know he would never want me to have Wednesday. He's incredibly jealous of me, and he doesn't like me anyway because of our past. So he wouldn't help me, would he? But maybe if I promise to get him out of jail. He's my only chance at the moment, I've already lost everything that was important to me. Then it doesn't really matter anyway.
Knowing that I can't sleep yet, even though it was quite late, I decided to write a letter. For Wednesday, and I'll send it to Nevermore. I just wrote everything down I was thinking:

Hello, I know you don't want to hear from me. I get it but it hurts that you don't trust me. But I can't force your trust. I just want you to know that my feelings were real, they're still real. I understand that you believe your vision, but I'm not the Hyde. If it really was me I would have told you a long time ago because you are the only person I can trust. You're the only one who likes me, well at least I think you like me, or rather liked me. But I won't give up just like that, don't worry, I won't paint you and stalk you like Xavier. I have to understand that you don't want to see me right now. But I'm going to find out who the Hyde really is. I'm not the Hyde. I want to prove it, no matter if you also don't want me after I have proof that I'm not the Hyde, that's okay. I just don't want you to think of me as a monster, because I'm not. That's the last you'll hear from me, I promise,  I won't bother you anymore.
Take care of yourself Wednesday, because you are loved and nothing bad should happen to you.
In love,

I took the letter and put it in an envelope. I looked at the clock, it was 4 a.m. I decided to go to sleep and in fact less than 10 minutes later I asleep.

I've got my eye on you - WednesdayxTylerWhere stories live. Discover now