look at this godforsaken mess that you made me

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*Wednesday POV*
Since I have my appointment with the new therapist today, I was allowed to leave class earlier because I have to be there at 1 p.m.
As in the past, I was driven by the director, except that the new director is not interested in talking to me. The whole trip we just kept quiet. Thank God.
When we arrived I got out the car and went inside the building. It was the same I was having my previous sessions and also the building where my old therapist was killed. It's kind of strange that therapy is taking place in a building where someone got killed. Don't get me wrong, I like it. But it's still kinda weird.
She greeted me warmly and it was as if nothing had changed. They're all kind of the same. She asked me things, I answered. But there was one question I had a hard time answering when she asked about my relationship status. I didn't answer. I guess she understood why and I'm glad she just nodded and wrote something down. When the session was over , I decided to go to the Weathervane Cafe. I don't know why, but I wanted to see Tyler, I want to talk to him about his letter. I guess I really do care about him, about us, about everything , and everyone is probably right that somewhere deep inside I have feelings for Tyler. But even if he's not Hyde, will he forgive me for not trusting him and for wanting to torture him? And can I really be his girlfriend? I do not think so. I just can't imagine me being in a relationship.
My heart was racing as I stood in front of the cafe, I saw Tyler. He was talking to someone, to a girl. She was beautiful, she had beautiful ginger hair. I got kind of sick. I think I watched those two for ages. They laughed together, it kinda hurt my heart.
Maybe he wasn't serious about us at all, his letter, his feelings. It doesn't seem like he's missing me and apparently he's already found a replacement.
I had to fight back tears.
Suddenly I heard people shouting: "Hey freak, there you are again, who are you stalking, huh? Are you planning a murder or what?"
I turned around and saw these weird pilgrim types, :"Wasn't enough for you last time?" I asked. They pushed me up the stairs of the café and I fell through the door, which was already a bit open. I know that Tyler hates closing the door completely since the Bell always rings when someones comes in, he once told me it annoys him. Well, now the door was completely open and I was lying on the floor right at the entrance.
Someone held out their hand and I took it. It was this new girl, she asked if I was okay. I looked at her and said, "Yes thanks, I could have stood up on my own."
I looked at the guys and had deja vu. I don't want to brag, but just like last time, I won the fight. The girl looked at me in shock and said, "Wow. I wish I was that strong. You must be pretty badass, my name is Ivy. And yours?"
I didn't answer her, Tyler came over and did it for me, "This is Wednesday. And yes you're right, she's a badass. She's gotta be the coolest girl you'll ever meet."
I gave him a cold look, but it wasn't easy for me when I looked into his beautiful brown eyes, he smiled at me. I didn't smile back. I was just turning to leave when I saw Enid and Ajax walking into the cafe.

Enid: "Wednesday, did that have to be? I gave you one of my stuffed animals to let your aggression out on." She pointed to the boys who were still lying on the floor.

I had to laugh a bit, she actually gave me a pink unicorn to smack when I'm angry.

Enid: "We were just about to have a coffee, you're welcome."
Wednesday: "Thanks, but I was about to leave."
Enid: "Too bad okay, we haven't spent time together for a long time."

I saw her disappointment and she is right. Since she started dating Ajax and the two have been seeing each other regularly, we hardly have any time together. Finally I gave in. We sat down at a table and Ivy served us. She was so nice, she seemed very intelligent and she was really pretty. Tyler must have thought so too, as the two talked non-stop and laughed a lot together. I didn't like it at all and Enid noticed that, she stroked my hand and gave me a pitying look. Ajax also understood what was going on and he sat down across from me so that I couldn't see the two of them that well. I gave him a thanking look and he just nodded
I asked Enid what happened yesterday because she seemed so annoyed, but she just shook her head and said she was just tired. Somehow I had the feeling that she wasn't telling me the truth but I didn't want to publicly put her in an awkward situation.
After about 10 minutes  Ajax said that he had to go to a store to buy something. He and Enid kissed to say goodbye to each other and I got a full view of the Tyler and Ivy again. Ivy often touchs Tyler, stroking his arm, putting her hand on his when she was laughing and even going through his hair once. She's also a lot taller than me, Tyler and her always make eye contact since they are able to look each other directly in the eyes. It hurts me to see them both and I got kind of angry, I got angry because she was so amazing and perfect and Tyler sure likes her. How could he not? I'm pretty sure didn't threaten to torture him, and she's not that dismissive of him either. I told Enid I couldn't stand it any longer and walked out of the cafe. I started crying, I let all my feelings out. I tried to tell myself I didn't care about Tyler, and I was pretty sure I really don't care that much about him. But seeing him with someone else just hurts. It was an Mistake going to the Cafe. I heard someone calling me, I turned around and then Tyler was standing there.

Tyler: "Wednesday is everything alright? You didn't finish your coffee, that's not at all like you."
When I turned around he looked at my tear-stained face, he wiped the tears from my cheeks with his hand.
Tyler: "Hey, what's up? Did something happen?"
Wednesday: "Yes. You happened."
Tyler: "I don't quite get it, I thought you hated me now?"
Wednesday: "I thought so too, but the letter, and then seeing you laughing like that with this new girl just hurts. Apparently your feelings really weren't real for me. It was probably all just a game for you, I wish you good luck with her." I was about to leave but he grabbed my hand and held me tight.
Wednesday: "Just let me go, you've already broken enough. You've caused so much chaos.  I don't know what to believe anymore. Whether you're Hyde or not, whether my vision showed the truth Or not. But what I do know is that if you let her take your hand, I didn't mean much to you. Do you do that to all the girls here who are new in town?"
Tyler: "When did she take my hand? I didn't even noticed.
Wednesday: "Don't pretend like you didn't noticed that, she used to do it all the time when you laughed together. And it hurts to see that, look at this godforsaken mess that you made me, you showed me colors I can't see with anyone else,. You changed me completely, I can't recognize myself anymore and I hate myself for giving you Power over my feelings. I just don't know what to do."
He came closer to me and grabbed my other hand as well. He interlaced our fingers.
Tyler: "You just have to trust me, that's all. I don't care about Ivy, I just want you. I've talked to her and laughed with her, yes. But I still only paid attention to you and I wished for every second that I was talking to you instead of her. You're the first girl I ever developed feelings for and you'll probably be the only one. I want you, Wednesday. I wanne be you're boyfriend."

He looked deep into my eyes, stroked my cheek and came closer and closer to me. I wanted to flinch, but for some reason, I stayed right there, waiting for him to place his lips on mine. And he did. But before I could be happy about whats happening, I got another vision. I saw myself and Tyler right where we are right now, suddenly something was running towards us, it was the Hyde. He ran towards Tyler and hurt him.
When I came back to reality, Enid and Ivy were standing around us.

Enid: "Wednesday is everything okay, let's go. We have to stay away from him before he hurts us."

I looked back and forth between everyone in confusion until I realized I has a vision again and Tyler was nearby. We kissed like we did back then.
Suddenly I saw someone running past us, but I couldn't identify the person because it was already  dark. Although it was only 5 p.m., but it is winter so it gets dark early.
Tyler called after the person, "Hey, who are you? And why are you running away?"
I disengaged myself from his arms and walked over to Enid, Tyler looking at me with tears in his eyes. Enid took my hand and pulled me behind him, "We're going now, and we're never coming back." she said.
I watched Tyler and I knew he wanted to say something , but he knew it wasn't going to change anything right now.
Wednesday: "Enid, wait."
Enid: "What should I wait for? For him to turn into a Hyde and kill me? No thanks."
Wednesday: "In the vision, there was someone else the Hyde, he was attacking Tyler.
Enid stopped and looked at me.
Enid: "What?" But then that would have to mean he's not. And...and...that means the Hyde still runs around freely. Wednesday, OMG!"
Wednesday: "Calm down, Enid. My mother said that not every vision has to show the truth, they can fool me to protect me from something for example. But they can also fool me to challenge me."
Enid: Well either your vision wants to protect you from Tyler or your visions are just pretending him to be the hyde so you both can't be together? But why should the visions do that? I don't understand, it's too complicated for me."
Wednesday: "I don't quite get it either. We need to reset your laptop so I can talk to Tyler again."
Enid: "It's called unblocking someone, Wednesday."
Wednesday: "I don't care what it's called, we just have to do it."
Enid: "Even my grandparents are more tech savvy."
Enid found this particularly amusing, because she laughed about it the whole way home. I just ignored it and thought about my whole life. Then it occurred to me that I'll probably have a problem with the director, since it was actually agreed that I'd go back to Nevermore with her after my therapy session.
"well done," I thought to myself. She will definitely hate me.
When we finally got there, Enid had to go straight in and unblock Tyler, whatever that means.
I called him but he didn't answer. I called several more times and waited for him to answer the call. But he didn't.

(YES I had to introduce Taylor Lyrics cause she's my only personality trait)

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