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*Tyler's POV*
When we got back to Jericho it was noon. We thought about where Xavier could go and the only thing we could think of was the hut where he used to paint. Because he certainly can't go back to the Nevermore.

Tyler: "I'll let you out there and I'll come there too later. I'll look in the attic for a mattress or an old couch and I'll bring it to you. And I'll bring food and drinks for you too. Do you need anything else? "
Xavier: "Yes, pillows and blankets would be pretty cool."

I nodded and he got out of my car, I drove to my house hoping my dad wasn't there. Just as I arrived he was walking out the front door saying he had to go to the precinct to do some paperwork. "Thank God" I thought to myself. I said goodbye to him and then went to the attic. I felt really uncomfortable, cobwebs, dust and big black spiders everywhere. Wednesday would love it here.
When I finally found a couch and an old mattress, I decided to just bring him both. He can then choose what he prefers. I carried them down one by one, which wasn't easy at all. I quickly packed everything in my car, but the trunk wouldn't close and had to be left open a little, "I hope I don't see my father now," I thought to myself. I got some blankets and pillows from inside and then drove towards the forest. But since I couldn't drive the whole way, I had to walk a bit. I brought the mattress to the cabin first because then I can tell Xavier to help me with the couch, blankets and pillows. I arrived at the hut and was already expected by him.

Xavier: "Wow. You really keep your word, I thought you wouldn't come back."
Tyler: "Don't worry, you can count on me. But I need your help carrying some things."

I saw a slight smile on his lips and then we walked to my car together. We put the blankets on the couch and carried them to the cabin together. When we got there we put them down and I helped Xavier clean up a bit. This is when the memories came flooding back to when Wednesday tied me up, I felt uncomfortable remembering this. We put the paintings together in a box and looked for a nice spot for the couch. We placed the mattress in the middle of the room. Then it occurred to me I completely forgot to get Xavier something to eat and drink.

Tyler: "Hey, I'm so sorry but I forgot to bring you something to eat and drink."

He was about to answer when I got a call. I answered and heard Wednesday's voice on the end of the other side. A smile immediately conjured up on my lips, which Xavier also noticed. "You have to come to the cabin in the woods. 'I have something to show you and bring something to eat and drink,' I said into my cell phone. Before Wednesday could answer me, I hung up.

Xavier: "Let me guess, that was Wednesday, right?"
Tyler: "Yeah." I had to smile right back even though he only mentioned her name. Oh god I'm really in love.
Xavier: "You can tell right away that you have strong feelings for her."

I just nodded kind of embarrassed and then we ran out of topics to talk about. There was an awkward silence that felt like an eternity. But this was interrupted when the door opened and Wednesday came in with Enid. She saw Xavier and her eyes widened and she ran towards him with her arms outstretched and threw herself around his neck. I realized I didn't like that at all. I wish I was him right now.

Wednesday: "Xavier, omg what are you doing here? How did you get out if prison? I'm so glad you're back. Can you forgive me?"

I was a little confused about how Wednesday is right now. That's not her style at all, she was totally energetic.

Enid: "Wow. He gets hugs but I don't."

I looked at her sadly and she probably understood right away that It hurts me seeing that. She put her hand briefly on my shoulder and stroked it. Enid whispered to me that this is really out of character for Wednesday and she's worried. I didn't answer that. Xavier started to explain to her why he is here.

Xavier: "Tyler got me out. He said he could use some support as he thinks Hyde is still up to mischief here. And yes Wednesday, he also told me that you think he is Hyde. But I can hardly imagine that."
Wednesday: "Wait a minute, he helped you out of jail?"
Xavier: "Yes. It surprised me too. And look around, the couch, the blankets and the mattress, he brought it all for me."

Wednesday looked me up and down with her signature look and stepped closer to me. She didn't take her eyes off me for a second.

Wednesday: "Tyler. I had an encounter with your father last night. We heard screams here in the woods, and your father sent me and Enid back to the Nevermore. I had another vision too. Where were you last night?"
Tyler: "Wow, are you serious? I was at home."
Wednesday: "And why should I believe you?"
She said it in such a cold, monotonous tone that I felt immediately uncomfortable.
Tyler: "I, uh...wait. I was trying to reach you all last night. Here, look at my phone. I called you 100 times. I can't kill someone and call you on my cell phone at the same time."

She nodded and said that she probably had no choice but to believe me. "Uh thanks, I guess" i replied to her.

Xavier and Enid laughed, Enid said she felt she could trust me and Xavier agreed too. But I noticed that Wednesday is unsure and I can understand her. But it hurts that she doesn't trust me. We all stayed with Xavier for a while until I looked at my phone and thought it was time to go home. It's already afternoon and I don't want my father to suspect anything. So I said goodbye and went to my car. I had mixed feelings, I was happy that things worked out with Xavier, but I didn't get any further with Wednesday.
When I got to my car, my shoulder was suddenly grabbed and I've frightened.
I turned around and Wednesday was standing in front of me.
I looked at her confused.

Tyler: "What do you want?" I asked in an annoyed tone because I was actually kind of mad at her. Although I really have no right to.
Wednesday: "I want to talk to you."
Tyler: "Okay. About what? Keeping an eye on me because I'm Hyde?"
Wednesday: "No, you idiot. I want to talk about, well. You and me."
Tyler: "What's there to talk about?" It hurts me to be so cold to her, but somehow I just couldn't help it.
Wednesday: "You can be as cold to me as you want. I'm not giving in. I just want to know how we're going to move on now?"
Tyler: "How? Like before."
Wednesday: "So...are you asking me out again?"
Tyler: "You know what Wednesday, there's been a lot going on lately, you said you aren't good girlfriend material. Maybe we should just stay friends."
In her eyes it looked like what I just said hurt her.
She just nodded and turned around. I was about to open the car door when I followed her.
I took her hand, she turned around and I pulled her closer to me. Our faces were only a few millimeters apart. We looked deep into each other's eyes and, like we'd been together forever, I kissed her. She returned the kiss and I wrapped my hands around her waist. I had to smile into the kiss. She looked at me and put her head under my chin. We stood there tightly embraced and I stroked her back with my hands.

Wednesday: "Just friends, huh?"
I laughed and hugged her even closer. As we broke away from the hug, we looked at each other again.
I wanted to kiss her again but we were interrupted, by Enid.

Enid: "There you are. We thought you were dead. Wednesday, we have to go back. It will be dark soon."
Tyler: "I could drive you two back to nevermore."
Enid: "Omg yeah that would be great. Thanks"

We got in my car and nobody said anything during the drive. Enid then broke the silence.

Enid: "By the way, I have Xavier's number here. He said I should give it to you so that you can write to each other."

Enid handed the note to me and I nodded my thanks. When we got to the Nevermore and both got off, I said goodbye, but only Enid answered.
I went home a little confused but also happy. "One of the best days in my life," I thought to myself.
When I got home, my father's car was still not in our yard. It was still early in the evening though, so I didn't think about it any further and was glad to have some rest. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done, I went to my room and threw myself on the bed. I had a big smile on my face the whole time. All evening I thought about Wednesday.

I've got my eye on you - WednesdayxTylerWhere stories live. Discover now