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*Wednesday POV*
When my alarm clock rang I wanted to kill myself with it. I really didn't feel like going to school today.
I was totally tired and had a headache. "Not so bad" I thought to myself. After all the emotional chaos and sudden positive feelings Tyler showed me, I have to get used to the only good feelings, pain and suffering.
I saw Enid already typing on her laptop and she had headphones on. But they didn't do anything, because the music was so loud that I could still hear it. I looked at Thing with an annoyed roll of my eyes.

Enid: "Look Wednesday, Ajax posted a picture of us."
Wednesday: "Cool." I replied dryly.
Enid: "Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to offend you. Didn't think about Tyler anymore, sorry."
Wednesday: "This has nothing to do with Tyler. I've always found pictures of couples to be a reason to gouge my eyes out."
Enid: "OMG. You don't always have to be mean."

I gave her a cold look and got ready. The lessons were very boring like every day, I tried to concentrate but was just too tired. After school I had to go to the principal because my parents had asked me to see a new psychologist. I was so glad I got rid of the other one and now I still have to go through that again?
Then when I went to see the principal after school she told me that tomorrow would be my first session with the therapist and if I behave well and see improvements I only have to go there for seven sessions. That's still seven hours of horror though, and not the good horror I enjoy, like how I threw the piranhas in the pool back then and the whole water turned red. That was great.
The principal handed me a letter, "Thank you. It must be from my brother."
The principal smiled and then I left and made my way to my room.
When I got there, I put the letter away and sat down at my typewriter, just as I was about to start, an Thing pushed the letter over to me, I looked at the sender.
Now I know that the letter is not from my brother because it was sent from Jericho.
I opened it and started reading it, I felt a warm feeling in my stomach, but I tried to suppress that directly. Those were really sweet words from him, uh no they weren't. It was terribly cheesy and probably a lie too. I've tried my best to not fall for this shit.
I haven't thought about Tyler since noon today and of course he has to send me a letter now but I don't care.
When I finished reading the letter, I didn't even realize that I started to cry. Maybe I do care after all. Thing handed me tissues.
I looked at Thing and said, "Tyler wants to visit Xavier to prove he's not the Hyde. But if Xavier is the Hyde, that would be Tyler's dead. Xavier hates him, and the Hyde is also driven by emotion and I can't imagine a Hyde letting a couple of chains he's bound by stop him from killing someone."
Thing looked at me and I knew what it was saying to me, which was that I was worried about Tyler and I don't want anything to happen to him. "No, you're wrong, I don't care what happens to him. He could get killed by a fucking bus and I wouldn't even care at all. There's nothing I could care less about.
I took the letter and threw it in the trash. I stared at the crumpled letter inside for a while until I was brought back to reality with Thing climbing onto my shoulder.
"I just don't understand why Tyler isn't being honest with me. I just can't trust him, I know how people can be. I don't trust anyone but myself."
I looked at Thing again and didn't like the way he looked at me, "Okay, sorry, I trust you. Satisfied?"

It was only 7 p.m. when I went to sleep. I was bored and no longer had a headache, so I lost the desire to stay awake. When I'm in pain, I feel atleast something. Enid wasn't here either, she must be with Ajax.
I was sleeping very well but was woken up when someone came in the door, it was Enid.

Wednesday: "Did you just get here? It's against the rules." I said coldly.
Enid: "Since when do you care about rules?"
Wednesday: "I do not care, but you are. You've never broken the rules."
Enid: "There's always a first time."

Enid was kinda different, she wasn't in a good mood and came across as annoyed, but I decided to leave her alone. I went to the balcony, I needed fresh air. It was raining heavily. I stood in the middle of the rain and enjoyed it. I don't know how long I just stood there, but I didn't want to go in.
I glanced at the clock , it was midnight, the most beautiful time there is. I love being up at night, no blue skies, no bright sun that hurts my eyes, everything is quiet.
I was cold, but that didn't bother me. I even find it nice to be cold. I haven't felt any real emotions in my life other than sadness, hate or suffering. Tyler changed that, although I hate to admit it. But this experience showed me that I'm just not a relationship person. I don't want to confide my feelings to anyone and make myself vulnerable. I've been fine on my own my whole life.

*Tyler's POV*
I was getting ready for work and the whole time I was thinking about Wednesday. I thought of our kiss, in that moment I was happier than ever. I've never had any real reasons to be happy, nor any real reasons to enjoy life. But when Wednesday came into my life, everything changed. I felt like my life finally made sense and now everything is the same as before, only that I got lovesick as well. Great thing.
I want to visit Xavier after work today, hopefully I don't have to work so late and can leave earlier.
I started walking towards the front door, my father was sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. I ignored him and just walked out. After about 10 minutes I arrived at the Weathervane Café and my boss was standing there with a girl I had never seen before. She has long ginger hair, freckles and light blue eyes. She is wearing a white knit sweater and light blue mom jeans.
My boss greeted me and introduced us both. Her name is Ivy, she starts working here today, but only for a short time. She wants to earn some money for her studies. My boss asked me to show her around the cafe and do a quick run through of the basics. I nodded and led her inside.
First I gave her an apron and then I explained to her how to operate the coffee machines. She learned quickly and immediately understood everything I told her.

Tyler: "Okay well, then you're ready to work now."
Ivy: "Yes, thank you for explaining everything to me."

She smiled at me and started serving people at the tables. At the same time as every day, my father came in. He looked at Ivy and asked me who she is.

Tyler: "She's new here, she works here for a few months to earn money for university."
Sheriff Galpin: "She looks nice."

I didn't answer that.
Sheriff Galpin: "What does she want to study?"
Tyler: "I don't know."

My father just gave me an annoyed look and then went to her. He introduced himself to her And they started talking. All I heard was, "This is my son, Tyler. But you probably already know him." Since I was not interested in their conversation, I went to our break room to rest for a moment. I turned on my phone and I don't know why, but I kind of hoped Wednesday would have called me back. But of course she didn't, why should she? She has probably already forgotten me. I wonder if she received the letter yet? Would she even read it at all? She would probably burn it or something.

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