Chapter 25

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Felicia fell to the floor. The stranger kept pouring water onto her shirt. Electricity swarmed around Felicia for a few seconds, and then died down. She didn't move after that. The stranger ran back to the stairs. Lily rushed up to her sister. A spark came out of Felicia's mouth. That caused Lily to be frightened and fall to the floor. The other Lily was in the room trying to wake Murdoch up. He had fainted once he saw that Felicia had short circuited. She turned up the volume on her phone. The other Lily also played her favorite pop music. Murdoch was now fully awake. He was now standing thanks to the other Lily. He was feeling a bit tired from the uncomfortable sleep he had in the small room. "Lily, please tell us how's Felicia doing?" The other Lily questioned as she got Murdoch out of the small room. Lily noticed that Felicia's face was made out of rubber. She ripped off part of the mask. "Lily what are you doing?!" Murdoch asked feeling confused. Lily ripped off the other piece of rubber mask.

"Lily, stop hurting Felicia!" The other Lily shouted as she too was confused and also scared. Lily got herself standing and ran down the hall. "Where are you going?" Murdoch demanded as he started to walk quickly after her. The other Lily looked down at Felicia's face and gasped. Murdoch also saw Felicia's face and his mouth opened wide. Felicia's face was made out of robot parts. Her eyes were damaged from the short circuiting. Lily ran down the hall until she reached the room with the pool of water. She got some her water in her hands and started to splash it on her face. "I've got to be dreaming. Everything that I've seen tonight has got to be dream!" she said to herself. No electricity was surrounding Lily. She could feel the drops of the cold pool water trickling down her cheek. She stared at her reflection at the water's surface. Lily didn't know what to do next. She was busy wondering about what was happening So many things have gotten her confused. Is she a water proof robot? Was this all a twisted experiment? Or was she a waterproof robot that was on a test run, with the other androids playing a part in the experiment. "Lily!" A voice yelled out. The other Lily came running up to the doorway to the pool room. "Lily, I know how you feel. You feel confused and angry that bad things have happened to you and your sister. The Felicia we saw falling to the floor was not your sister. I know it is. We could still catch whoever is behind all of this. We could bring this stranger to the police station and tell them everything that has happened tonight. All I need is for you to help me and Murdoch find out where this stalker is and then we could find out where your sister was taken to. You have to trust both of us if you want to have that happen." There was a long moment of silence. Lily was thinking about what was said. She got herself standing and turned around facing Murdoch; who was also standing in the doorway with the other Lily. "How are we going to find this stranger?" Lily asked the two young adults. They both stepped back into the hallway.

Murdoch pointed to a trail of water in the hallway. "The stranger had a water bottle. He or she used it on the fake Felicia. The bottle was still open when the stranger was running. This water has got to lead somewhere." The other Lily said confidently. There was a small line of water leading from where the fake Felicia was and was going up the stairs. Lily walked out of the room and ran following the trail of water. She ran up the steps and charged through the secret door. Lily stumbled back onto the main floor. She got herself back up a few seconds later. Murdoch and the other Lily also burst out of the secret door. They nearly tripped and fell to the floor as well. Lily looked down at both ends to the hallways. There was a sign hanging on by one screw. There was an arrow pointing to some stairs that led to second floor of the building. The trail of water led towards that corner of the hallway with the sign. "This way." Lily said as she ran down the hallway towards the stairs. Murdoch and his friend ran after her. Lily ran past a broken down elevator. Its doors were out of whack. Lily ran up the stairs. There were three doors at the top of the stairs. The sign on the door in the middle read "Security guard office". Lily opened the door. There was somebody in an office chair that was watching the monitors on the big TV screen. The chair swiveled around. Murdoch and the other Lily ran up the stairs and joined Lily as she was staring at the cloaked stranger. He or she got up. The gloves grabbed the hood and pulled it off the head. The hands also pulled a mask off of the face. The mask was making the cyan eyes glow. "No way." Murdoch said now said with a surprised expression on his face. "You've got to kidding me." The other Lily said as she stared in disbelief. Lily was also shocked about who the stranger was.

"Felicia?" Lily asked with her eyes bulging wide. Felicia held the mask in front of her and chuckled. "Surprised? I really know how to get you three scared very quickly do I?" she questioned smiling away. "But the androids, how could you even build all of them? You don't have experience with robotics." Murdoch asked not believing his eyes. Felicia still grinned away as she said to us "I have asked somebody at the university to do it for me. Murdoch is not only guy who can built robots and program them to look like all of those different people." "How did get all of those cellphones Felicia? You can't have stolen them all from the nearest cellphone store." Lily queried with her hands on her hips. Felicia tossed the mask aside and answered "As I mentioned in a past text, I have found these items in the lost and found boxes." "That can't be true." The other Lily countered with disbelief. Felicia chuckled again and said "I have pickpocketed people off of the street. They never knew what hit them." Lily was shaking her head. She couldn't believe that her sister was the one who was terrorizing her and Murdoch, and the other Lily. "Were you the stranger the entire time?" Lily asked as she was feeling a bit confused. "Yes. The sister that you saw at the bus stop and in the small room was the exact same robot. So you can say that I kidnapped Murdoch and a robot version of myself." She replied with a grin. "Why Felicia? I'm your sister. How could you do something like this to me?" Lily yelled at her feeling upset. Felicia chuckled some more. "Aw, is my little sister feeling confused? Well, I did it for fun. I enjoyed everybody's different reactions when they were getting kidnapped and forced to do a lot of bad choices just so that you could see me safe and sound again." "What about the teleporting white light? How did you ever manage to do that?" Murdoch asked remembering the time when the black SUV hit a tree. "You people ask too many questions. I can tell you three if you play another game that is so great." She said while chuckling. "This isn't funny Felicia. What you and the robots did was scary and dangerous. I'm going to tell Mom and Dad what you have done to me tonight." Lily said while backing away towards the doorway. Felicia still grinned as she said "There is no way that they will believe you. I can simply lie, and the parents will think that you have gone insane. Face it, you can't catch me." Lily started to cry again. "Stop it Felicia. We're done playing." Murdoch declared as he walked two steps further into the room. "Oh the fun is just beginning." Felicia began again. She then screamed as she lunged for Lily. 

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