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I jumped back and shut the door before he could get inside. He started pounding on the door and trying to break it down. I knew it would only hold for so long. My fight or flight response kicked in and I ran for the kitchen door that led to the garage where I fumbled for the light switch.
The lights revealed a black SUV. I opened the driver's side door and climbed in, then checked the sun visor hoping to find the keys, but it was empty. I looked around and on the wall saw a key rack, I dashed over and grabbed the keys but upon looking down I saw a shotgun, machete, and an axe. I was curious as to why someone would have these weapons in their garage, but after seeing what happened to that man, I thought that I should be safer than sorry so I took the weapons, placed them in the backseat, and took off.
I was in a suburban neighborhood, but that wasn't the first thing that caught my eye. What caught my eye were the red leaves that used to be green, now saturated in blood from the dead bodies scattered on the road. The gruesome sight was unbearable; it looked like an animal attacked them. Their pale, lifeless bodies were decaying. Whatever did this devoured their bodies leaving little to no way of identifying them. The only thing that indicated that they were human was what was left of their severed limbs. I averted my eyes at the horrific sight as if that wasn't enough to make me vomit, the smell exacerbating it. I checked to see if any of the windows were open and they weren't. The metallic smell of copper filled the car making my nose shrivel up. Seconds away from throwing up I stepped on the pedal trying to get some fresh air and a clear head. I continue glancing out the window and was shocked to see--that other than corpses--the streets were desolate.
Where is everyone? Did they flee from whatever did this to those bodies? Where are the police? Surely if these people were killed here someone would've heard the commotion and called 911, right? There should be a crowd of cops here to investigate.
Ding! ding! ding!
My eyes now focused on the car, as the sound coming from the gas gauge warns me that I'm running on empty. Fearful and confused, I put the pedal to the metal in search of a gas station.

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