Is this the end?

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His face automatically shifted to the door, as he shut it a hand reached inside. His pale ivory skin was now drained of color and was filled with nothing but horror. The hand then clasped Lucas's shirt, as he let out an ear-piercing shriek at the sight of the bodiless arm clinging to him, the car started rocking faster and harder as we were on the verge of tilting over. There was nothing I could do besides yell "Lucas brace yourself" as the car started to descend. BAM!!! The sound of heavy metal hitting another echoed throughout the air, I was fading in and out of consciousness as my vision began to blur, and the loud toned-out noise blared.
I opened my eyes to see Lucas gently shaking me, he was saying something but I couldn't hear him over the ringing in my ears. For a second I forgot what happened when it hit me like a train, I looked outside to see that no one was there. I'm confused, they were so heart set on killing us, so where did they go? I looked back at Lucas who was still talking, I interrupted him and said "where did they go?". He shook off my question like it didn't matter and asked me "are you okay?" my curiosity grew deeper "yes, I'm okay but what happened after the crash?". I studied Lucas's face waiting for an explanation, he clenched his jaw and let out a sigh he looked like he didn't want to rehash what happened like he was about to relive a nightmare. He looked down and started from the beginning "as the car toppled over they started reaching through the window trying to grasp for me. I tried calling for you but you were knocked out after the airbag deployed. So, I leaped into the back seat putting some distance between me and them, but they didn't even notice that I moved". He took a pause, now looking confused. "They were still reaching at the passenger's seat like I was there, their eyes were still fixated on that spot. After a while I thought they were going after you, but when they heard a cat meow in pain after being caught in a fence. They rushed over and tore the cat apart limb from limb, the poor cat wailed for help until there was nothing left but blood and bones". I could hear the shake in his voice, "Lucas are you okay?" I said while gesturing for a hug, he instantly plopped into my arms. It looked like a weight was lifted off his shoulders like he needed that hug.

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