04 the meeting dinner

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I had a hard time sleeping that night knowing he will show up at my Appartement the next day. Despite my protest he wouldn't budge to get what he wanted. As I was looking for something to wear I heard a knock on my door. Nervously I jumped and turned my head. As I opened the door the tall man with clear blue eyes glared into mine once again. Even though I should feel pure hatred I still lost track in those charming eyes.
"Are you ready? "

"Wait you haven't mentioned what you want me to do"

"You're going to a meeting dinner with me. As ridiculous as it sounds, you will have to pretend to be my accompaniment"
I raised my eyebrow in disbelief as it was just a jest on his side. This couldn't be seriously what he planned.

"What? No why would I do that? I don't even have anything to wear! "

"This is why I have this"
He said masculine but soft while holding up his briefcase. I sighed in defeat and let him in. We went to my couch where he sat down and i tried my best to avoid looking at him. he put the briefcase on the table in front of us and i instantly had to think about the same gesture he did when i found out about his sick Experiments. About how he was scaring the patient, making him scream and collapse in fear and total state of terror as pure as life itself. It was disgusting to look at but i got reminded about how gross of a human being this man is, shall he feel the force of his own cruel methods someday.

Crane exposed what he carried in his case and in his hands holding a (Insert color) dress. It was actually beautiful and looks like it was expensive. Such a precious dress for me was quite unusual but it lit up a certain excitement in me, seeing myself in this piece.

"wear that, hurry up"he said inpatient and gave it to me. I disappeared in my so well known bedroom changing with a enthusiasm. It wasn't noticeable, i still acted cold as a winter night towards him but i couldn't burn down the keen to look for an ego boost. 

He opened the door of his car and with a nervous feeling in my guts he took place next to me. It was the first moment i noticed his Outfit. It still looks like he was a man of business but less professional than at the Asylum. He had his sleeves rolled up,his blouse showing underneath his suit. His hair wasn't as combed back and his scent was slightly different,more sweet but not in an aggressive way. the  The driver started the engine and after a 15 minute drive we stopped at the restaurant he was inviting me into. Why would he need me for this? Why risking his job, career or even his whole life existence if i could end it by only screaming for help. I could leash out however he indeed was correct by stating i had no clue about who knew about his illegal business. I already decided for myself to play his game until i get a chance to help my brother. I kept in mind, the only reason i did all of that was my dearest beloved brother.

This place looks really pretty but full of people, i noticed. I heard a sigh from him and i shirked a little when i suddenly felt his hand on my back. I turned my head to glare at him but he didn't bother looking at me. my heart thudded faster as i got closer to him to squeeze around the crowd. I couldn't answer why but it did feel kind of good? How i already thought meeting him at first, his appearance seems so charming and kind natured, almost as if his glasses wouldn't hide the face of an insane maniac, which sadism leads him into his wicked acts.

"John! So nice to see you" a man greeted him with a handshake. John? Was that his first name? It was a weird feeling to act like i'm into him while i did not even know his name. I forced a smile on my lips to come off as natural as i possibly could.

"And who is she?" More guys joined in the conversation and Crane answered in the same charming smile i first met him. His enchanting pits opened, his masculine voice escaping.

"This is my girlfriend Y/N"

"Girlfriend?" the man said in disbelief.

"No way YOU got a girlfriend. Didn't you always say love is just an unnecessary distraction?"

"What can i say. How could i not fall for someone as beautiful as her" Crane said in a veiled tone. this mirage was so unsettling knowing his true nature. he had absolutely no sign of threat or evil in his voice. no apathy, no hate, no insanity. my heart raced when i felt his hand moving on my back. 

"Come sit with us Johnny im sure Cyrus and mark will love to meet you".

A sigh left my lips. why does his touch leave such an intimidating feeling on my body? It made me nervous knowing he looks at me. I wish i could just avoid his eye contact. Not possible to focus if he won't stop stroking my back, i worry. It surely impacts me in a way i cannot explain.As we sat on the table with the other men and women they all talked amused and even though i was supposed to fit in I had a hard time doing so.

" how did you two meet ? " they questioned me with a glare as if I was under arrest. I got nervous and had to think about anything quick,

"Well I met him at the Asy-"
I felt John kicking me under the table shortly followed by him speaking up for himself.

"We met at a bookstore. She mistook me as one of the workers and asked me for a book. We instantly hit it off and I have to admit I got kind of flustered meeting her at first."
I smiled and nodded as a sign of agreement. Unfortunately John did not seem satisfied with my behavior and discretely asked me to talk in private. As i had no choice i followed him to a more unvisited area until we had time to chat alone.

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