05 the Act

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I'm sorry for this short chapter,however i found the random motivation to continue and from now on the writing style will get a bit more professional since im trying hard to improve! Hope you enjoy it nonetheless.


He led me aside, forcefully pressing me against the wall of an empty hallway. I doubted he intended to be so harsh, but it sent shivers down my spine."What the hell are you doing? You're embarrassing me, y/n," 

he whispered, his tone laced with aggression.

"What was I supposed to do? I didn't even know your name!" I retorted.

John removed his glasses, revealing the face underneath, and rubbed his bridge in frustration. It seemed he had finally realized how abruptly he had thrust me into this situation.

"I'm Jonathan Crane. I studied psychology, briefly worked as a docent at a university in the same field, and eventually became a psychiatrist at an asylum, eventually rising to the position of director. Anything else you want to know?"

"Why choose me? Why bring someone like me if you don't want to be embarrassed?" I asked, searching for answers.

A moment of silence followed, apparently catching him off guard as he hadn't anticipated this question. He eventually responded, explaining that it was a matter of timing and control, a justification I couldn't easily dispute.

"What else do you need me to know or say before we go out there again?" I asked, hoping to dissipate his anger. Another silence filled the corridor, and then his piercing blue eyes met mine once more.

"We went on three dates before becoming a couple, and you initiated the first kiss."

"Why did I kiss you first?" I inquired, nervous of the thought of our lips meeting.

"Because I said so. Why do you have to make everything so complicated? Don't forget why you're doing all of this. You're supposed to listen and follow," his voice took on a hostile tone, sending a chill down my spine. He noticed my fear.

"God, I hate all of this," I sighed, acknowledging his control.

"Believe me, I hate it too, but the better you act, the sooner we can put an end to this. So stop being difficult and keep quiet unless you're asked to speak. Let me handle it," he asserted.

Suddenly, his demeanor softened, and he took my hand, unintentionally gripping it firmly to conceal his anger.

"My darling, can we continue to eat? My friends might get suspicious if we're gone for too long." I nodded, and soon his friends' smiles greeted us.

"There you two are. We thought you wouldn't show up again," I exchanged a glance with Dr. Crane, who appeared as professional and composed as ever.

"I had a phone call, so it took a bit longer. My apologies."

An hour later, the dinner came to an end, and he drove me home. Although I wore a beautiful dress, I still felt used and coerced, as if the prettiest dress in the world couldn't erase that feeling. When I stepped out of the car, I expected him to drive off, but he walked me to the door.

"For now, I'll stop the treatment of your brother. But you better not do anything foolish, or I'll have to continue it, understood?" I nodded without daring to look up, and to my surprise, his ice-cold fingers gently lifted my chin.

"Stop looking so pessimistic; it doesn't suit a pretty lady like yourself." With those words, he left me bewildered by the doorframe. The entire night left me unsure of how to feel. I despised him, but the memory of his piercing blue eyes and the scent of leather and lavender lingered in my senses.

Jonathan Crane, who are you, and what do you plan to do with me?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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