2. Aurora

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At night the air would fill with small frogs croaking and crickets chirping. The loud rush of water dropped into a large pool below that became another smaller river, this was the only other noise that could be heard at all hours of the day. It was peaceful. This river separated two lands. Free land, which had always been unruled, was simply a forest where all who wandered, did so peacefully. They could hunt freely to return home with food for their families. The other, Redwood forest, that began at the waterfall and made obvious by the exaggeratedly large redwood trees that made any skyscraper look like a fence post. This land housed the Kingdom of Aurora. Both forests were extremely large, taking anyone at least two days to cross both forests on foot, if they didn't stop to rest.

It has been said that the kingdom of Aurora had the highest walls protecting its perimeter in comparison to other kingdoms. Some may say this is because of a notable attack on its people ten years ago. The Redwood family and Aurora lost more than half their army that day, along with almost every civilian, and the only daughter of the royal family.

Aurora Redwood was a fighter. She trained with her army men, and wasn't a typical royal. She cared about her people and made a point to visit areas in poverty within her walls, to study the law so she could find new ways to make deals with other kingdoms to receive the most help for those in need. It was obvious why the Redwood family would decide to rename the kingdom after their only daughter. Why they would banish those who caused the attack, and why they would take extra precautions in securing their kingdom after that fateful day, with large walls and guards everywhere you looked.

The reason for that fateful day fell on the shoulders of sorcerers who had gotten together to experiment with dark magic. Unbeknownst to them, with the exception of the two that led the gathering that day, they had summoned evil beings that rose from the streets of the kingdom. Tall, strong, stone-like creatures that ended up destroying everything in their path. It took the kingdom about two years to structurally recover, and yet emotionally they still hold their "no use of magic rule" very seriously.

The only time magic is allowed inside of the kingdom is during festivals or balls by those performing, or guards so that they may protect the kingdom. Magic is allowed outside of the walls of the kingdom within the Redwood forest so long as it doesn't cause destruction to property, or nature. Otherwise if you got caught using magic, you'd face at-least four years in prison and the possibility of having your magic stripped away from you completely.

This would be done by the kingdoms, few, dark magic sorcerers that were kept around for guidance and in case illegal magic was used. The Redwood family had one of these sorcerers in their own family. Demien Redwood was adopted by Khal and Edrea Redwood the night he was left on their doorstep. They quickly learned his family was killed in a village nearby during a robbery. When a neighbor found Demien still crying in his crib, they knew they couldn't care for him, hence coming up with the idea that a royal definitely could.  As he grew up it was obvious his abilities were unlike the other children's, forcing Khal and Edrea to find him a mentor. Samuel, their other son, and Demien got along very well. The three Redwood children were always close and it was almost always forgotten that Demien was not blood.

Not too far from the waterfall that divided Freeland and the Redwood forest, those who grew crops for Aurora worked hard everyday. The soil was richer in this area due to the river that ran here. There were always many guards around, as these farmers could use magic, but had to be watched to make sure no one was practicing dark magic or just using magic to do odd things. Demien always accompanied the farmers out, mostly so he could roam the tree line to use his abilities. This day was no different.

The man of tall stature walked out onto the yellowing grass, his brown eyes glancing over the crops ready to be harvested before setting them on his true goal for the day. Guards closed the gates as the farmers gathered their supplies from their own horse drawn wagons. Most had their own, and if the grower didn't, they'd pay another to use their wagon for a day or two. Although technology was advanced, and things like trucks existed, there wasn't really enough space in the farming area for everyone to haul their own truck. Therefore, wagons were used.

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