13. Antiserum

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After Jax was attacked, Demien had rushed her to the infirmary where she was placed in a magically induced coma for her own health. The searing pain from the manticores venom would've sent anyone into a spiral should they have had to be awake.

This made her recovery quicker than what most expected. Around four a.m., two days after she was attacked, she woke up from her coma alone in a dark room. She could immediately feel the IV's stuck in her arm and how uncomfortable her back felt from lying down for days. Swallowing also posed difficult as her mouth was dry. She sat up and pulled the IV's out, applying pressure to the injection sites.

Jax sat up in bed, swinging her legs over the side as she stood up. Her eyes adjusted, scanning the room around her. When she saw a door, different from the large double doors that obviously led outside of her room, she stood up and walked towards it, her hand reaching for the doorknob. As she opened it, the smell of bleach faintly hit her nostrils. Her hand searched the wall for a moment until lights flooded the small room.

She cupped a hand underneath the faucet as she began to drink water. She shut it before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Sighing softly she closed her eyes, she leaned against the sink. After a few moments her eyes fluttered opened, suddenly unsettled by the darkness she saw behind them. She turned around, facing the mirror as she pulled her shirt down on one side to reveal her shoulder.

Her hand ran over her skin where a patch of gold used to be. She lifted the bottom half of her shirt to find the patches that were once on her stomach were gone as well. As she fixed herself, a sudden knock startled her. She turned to look out of the bathroom window, the sun glancing over the horizon.

As her bare feet began to move towards the double doors, one of them opened slowly. She stopped walking as a tall figure, covered in a black feathered robe walked in. He pulled the hood down as he turned to see Jax standing there.

"That robe looks ridiculous on you." Jax said hoarsely.

"I'm glad to see you're doing well." Azrael replied, a slight smirk on his face. Jax inhaled shakily as he stepped toward her and took her hand, walking her back over to the bed. She sat down at the edge and looked up at him.

"What're you doing here at this hour?" She asked.

"My job." Azrael said, "Though you aren't dying, anymore, that's not the case for others." He said, his eyes focused on a small drop of blood coming out where one of her IV's were. Jax slightly furrowed her brows at his response. Surely there had to be casualties when those monsters attacked. He waved his hand over it as it closed up completely, grabbing a cotton ball nearby to wipe away the blood. "Don't think about it too much. There will always be loss in war. Those who don't believe that are living in their own fairytale world."

Jax remained silent as he finished up, throwing the cotton ball away. He sat back in his chair, looking her over. 

"How do you feel?" He said, Jax shrugging slowly.

"Like I deserve a few drinks after recent events." She replied. It hurt to breathe. "The gold that was once on my skin.... A reaction to Rowan's poison, vanished." She looked up at him slightly. "Thoughts?" As he took a moment as he thought, it seemed as though he was flipping through pages in his mind.

Azrael was a 'carrier.' He carried souls from our world to the next once they've passed.  Although this was his main focus, it comes easy to him, so of course he'd study and perfect other areas of his magic. For example, he can manipulate emotions in others, and has studied both abroad and in the kingdom on herbal wisdom. He can heal wounds magically but if one needed treatment for many days, he was able go create serums and medicine for the person to take without him having to visit daily. This attracted Edreas attention, being one of the many reasons he's the only remaining member of the court.

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