6. Infinite

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The next morning arrived a little earlier than usual for Jax. She woke up long before the sun rose, already showered and wrapped in a towel when her maids knocked on her door. She threw on a similar outfit as the night before, except now she walked barefoot to the door to let them inside. One of the maids held up her boots and Jax smiled.

"Thank you.." she said softly, taking her boots from her as she nodded.

"No problem, miss." She replied. Jax slipped on her boots as she looked behind her, both maids opening  the curtains and beginning to make the bed. She watched them for a moment before she walked over to the dresser, the small white ribbon that was once wrapped around the small back box now laid on the dresser. Jax held the small black box in her hands, looking up at the two young ladies before she spoke.

"Would either of you happen to know what this is for?" Jax held up an old brass key, the base of it looked like a leaf. The two maids smiled at each other, they both looked back at Jax, the blonde one speaking for the both of them. 

"That's the key to the library, miss. If you'd like us to show you there we'd be more than happy to." They both smiled. She thought for a moment as she tapped the key against the palm of her hand.   Bc it Finally she looked up at the both of them and nodded. The maids finished up what they had been doing quickly and walked to the door.

She followed them as they led her not too far from her room to a set of large double doors. They seemed to be made of dark wood, not the same as the beautiful Redwood trees in and around the Kingdom. The maids excused themselves as Jax walked up to the door, fitting the key perfectly into the keyhole, twisting it. There was a soft clicking noise when she did, she pushed one of the large pieces of wood ajar.

Through the small opening she could see shelves, plants, and a glass ceiling. She did everything in her power to not let her jaw hit the ground as she pushed the door open completely. It was a reader's paradise. Bookshelves as tall as the ceiling, exotic plants, many places to sit and read. Yet, nothing felt overdone. There was a perfect balance to everything.

As she walked through the doorway she twisted the key back to its original position, taking it out of the keyhole and slipping it into her pocket. The door closed behind her gently as she walked further in. She looked back as it shut before turning and beginning to walk towards a bookshelf. They weren't all color coordinated, but this specific bookshelf had books that were all black on it. The spines had different titles on them, but they were all etched in silver and in the same font. Her fingers glided over some of the books until she grabbed one out of the hundreds on this shelf alone.

The cover had an ethereal design painted on it. A spiral staircase that led to light blue waves above, and space below. A cluster of small stars in the center of the staircase. She opened the book to a random page. Immediately interested in what she was reading, she looked around quickly for a place to sit before spotting a bench not too far from where she stood.

She walked up to it before sitting down, leaning back. Taking in one more glance of everything around her, she brought her attention back to the words before her. The book spoke about the moon's influence on tides, but also its influence on magic.

Jax was so deep into the literature before her that she didn't realize someone had walked into the library. Their boots thumped gently on the ground as they approached her. The familiar voice didn't startle her, but more so began to kill her mood.

"Already studying on how you and my brother can save the world huh?" Samuel asked. A playful tone to his voice forced Jax to close the book and set it down next to her. He glanced over at the cover of the book, looking back up at her. At this distance it wasn't hard to miss the sparkle to his green eyes. His curly dirty-blonde hair was all over the place, yet still seemed it was purposely styled this way.

"What do you want?" She asked dryly. Samuel half smiled and gestured toward the other end of the bench. Jax picked up the book she had begun to read, placing it in her lap as he sat down. 

"I know we got off on the wrong foot. For starters I pulled you off a moving horse... wanted to send you back out into Redwood forest with the knowledge that someone is trying to kill you." Jax raised a brow, having crossed her arms at the beginning of his speech. "I wanted to apologize. And hope that this," Samuel gestured around them, at the library, "will somehow make up for all of that... until I can find a better way to... well to honestly thank you..." Samuel was being genuine, she could tell by the expression on his face, and if that wasn't enough she could tell by his heartbeat.

"Thank me? For what?" Jax asked hesitantly. She wasn't sure she wanted to accept anything from him after he tried to throw her to the wolves. Samuel noticed her change in tone, leaning back into the bench. He held the palms of his hands out, looking down at the lines on his palms. They were normal. Calloused, yes. But nothing about his hands looked abnormal.

"I'm not special like you and Demien." Samuel chuckled. "You knew that already though." He looked up at her now, a softer look on his face. "I know you remember all our nights out. Causing chaos, running the streets playing manhunt while guards went crazy looking for us... Aurora and I would get so jealous when you and Demien would use your powers to cheat, suddenly making it home before us." He smirked, lowering his head.

"Need I remind you, that was all Demien considering my powers weren't even all there at that time." Jax rolled her eyes, yet a smirk played on her lips. Samuel chuckled as he nodded, crossing his arms over one another loosely.

"So you say." He shrugged. They both smiled at each other fondly before his slowly faded. "The point is.. When Aurora died, and you were sent away with your family.. I didn't understand why you'd left. I couldn't understand why magic was ruled illegal. I couldn't even wrap my head around the fact that she was gone. Everything just felt so... empty. Different." Samuel sat up in his seat, his eyes locking on hers. "Your return might've brought back the chance for Aurora to go back to what it was. A powerful kingdom who isn't afraid of magic, a kingdom that in fact uses it in everything they do to make them stronger." Samuel said confidently.

Jax hadn't realized that life in Aurora had completely changed when she left. That any use of magic would be banned, while she was still able to use her abilities so freely, to grow and learn new tricks and use it to her advantage. Soon after they had been exiled as a punitive measure, she was still running through different villages, kingdoms, cities, all undetected, with Rowan by her side. Samuel quickly noticed the deep state of thinking his words put her in, gently smacking his knees as he stood.

"The book you have there is a great read. Explains a lot about the different magics and how certain mage's abilities complement each other." Jax looked up at him as he began to walk off until she stood up and walked up to him, grabbing his arm so he'd turn around. When he turned around his eyes immediately met hers as she shot him a look of concern. 

"Your brother isn't the only one who can help me. Your words also have an effect on what Edrea and Khal decide to do with me. I could use your support. You could sway them to let me stay and make that 'chance' become real."

Samuel thought for a second before he nodded, realizing she was right. It would be one thing for Demien to want her there, he's a mage. But for someone who possesses no power, he could help persuade the citizens of Aurora who also hold no magical abilities to think of this as an opportunity for growth. Jax held his arm still, but as she let go, he caught her hand gently.

"For old times sake." Samuel smiled at her as he squeezed her hand softly. She smiled back at him as she squeezed his hand as well. When they let go of each other Samuel nodded and turned once more towards the door. Jax watched as he made his way out, sighing softly as she took a look around, wondering how many other books there were that could help her.

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