3. Florian

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Once again she was on the ground. This time she felt her face hit cold ceramic floors, eyes fluttering open. She groaned as she began to lift herself up into a sitting position. Her hands were tied behind her back, and as she swallowed her own saliva she could feel how dry her throat was, the metallic taste forcing her to purse her lips slightly.

The floors were white, the walls as well, but with added black and gold etchings. The trim in the room was black, gray, and white marble. Decor was colorful, vibrant vases and flowers to match. It all seemed very regal, like a grand ballroom. Other than a few flower arrangements and small end tables, the room was pretty empty, save for two large thrones pushed back against the side of the room without windows. They were made of the same red wood from the trees surrounding the kingdom, black velvet covered where they would sit, rest their arms and backs.

She looked behind her, Samuel and Demien present. Looking past them she could see a large glass wall with two archways leading out to what seemed like a balcony. The view from the floor, although she'd rather be enjoying the view from the balcony, was still stunning. A mountain-scape with a large body of water in front of it. Houses perched on certain parts of the mountain. The kingdom was large, almost like its own small country. 

Samuel sent his knee into the back of her shoulder, heedless of her interest of their world. She rolled her eyes and faced forward. Demien glanced over at Samuel as he just shrugged at him. Demien then looked down at her and just as quickly faced forward as well, as the large ballroom doors opened. Two guards stepped to each side as the show began.

"King Khal, and Queen Edrea Redwood." A guard announced.

The King and Queen walked so elegantly, hand in hand towards their thrones. Once they sat down, guards swarmed the room, blocking anyway she could escape, swords already drawn. The Queen, with eyes just as green and glistening as Samuels, was fixed on the amber eyed female before her. The Queen looked at her sons, nodding as Samuel left the woman's side and stood now next to his father. Demien, on the other hand, placed his hand on the woman's shoulders and it seemed as though the energy she was missing was returned to her. She felt a cool breeze on her wrists which were all of a sudden not tied anymore. She brought her hands in front of her, rubbing her wrists gently. 

"You may stand." Khals loud voice bounced off the walls. Edrea looked over at Samuel and pointed to the woman.

"Tell us why you've brought her inside our home and who she is." Her voice sounded angry, like there had already been an argument. Samuel raised a brow, but nonetheless nodded, and stepped forward. The woman stood, brushing herself off. She didn't have her cloak covering her anymore. Her blood soaked clothes were drying up, yet still evident something had happened. Khal furrowed his brows and tilted his head slightly.

"I'm sure she would like to tell you her own name as we haven't gotten that far.." Jax scoffed quietly at the beginning of his sentence. "But, she was brought in for stealing one of the royal horses and trespassing just as our kingdom was attacked. I am suspicious of her arrival just as we get attacked. Either they were following her and she just sought refuge here, or she brought them here purposely." Edrea leaned back in her chair, a look of concern plastered over her face. Samuel stepped back and looked at the woman now. "State your name." Samuel spoke to her. She shot him an unamused look until Khal sat up.

"And explain the blood. Whose is it? What happened?" He demanded. The woman glanced back at Demien who met her gaze. The woman's eyes traveled down to look at his wrist where his mark was before she looked him in the eyes again. His eyes traveled back to the King and Queen as the woman sighed softly, turning to them as well.

"Jax Florian, your majesties." She said, a slight east end accent tugging at her lips. The queen's eyes squinted, leaning over to whisper into her husband's ear who seemed to just nod as they both straightened up before standing up. The guards all pointed their swords toward Jax, who looked around unfazed. "I know you may recognize my surname, but I promise you I am nothing like my father.." Samuel and Demien glanced at her as it slowly sunk in. Samuel especially, stared, unable to comprehend how he and his brother hadn't recognized the woman in front of them. "If anything I've made my way here to warn you th-"

FlorianWhere stories live. Discover now